Ww matchups are getting out of hand


Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
our top player is global and it goes down to gunpowder. The other team has 4 atomic age, and get this they only go down to industrial age. That means they are higer age in the top and bottom. And whats more they out level us by 20 in the top levels and by 50 in the low levels! We stand no chance of winning at all! We just got pared with is team for the second time in a row!!! Thats right this team destroyed us because we stood no chance at all and now we are fighting them again!?!?!?!!!!!! This is the 3rd matchup like this in a row!


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
Same thing is happening to my alliance. It's no fun being a whipping boy. The only advice I can give is don't let it tear apart your alliance. Constantly losing frays nerves, and the slightest annoyance will prompt players to leave. Your leadership needs to acknowledge reality and not push people to win. You can still get a lot of alliance experience points, and it is a chance to be creative, attacking for one or two stars using minimal resources.


Approved user
Nov 27, 2016
Very true words. Our problem is getting players in the ww. Many of them dont want to help us fight even if its an easy win :(

I'm in a top 100 alliance and we just had a loss of over 1,000 glory on a very tough war. We don't let tough matches upset us. We tried hard and lost by 20 stars. The plus side is we were congratulated on Facebook by our opponent for an excellant effort. In turn we congratulated them back.

As Tsamu said, don't let it tear your alliance apart. As for those who refuse to participate in war, kick them out and get people in that will.


Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Well as expected we are losing badly but as an IA player i did manage to 3 star their 2nd biggest AA player. So atleast theres that ;)