Combat Rebalance Stage Two Patch Notes


Approved user
May 17, 2018
The last two days 5 alliance members and me have started playing Rise of Civilizations. A game that already has so many things that we wished dominations had the last 3 years. It is not perfect but we have fun again and we are the same people together again. You see, people don't mind to change a game that constantly disappoints them. They are eager to play something new if they know that the same good friends will be there too!

It is the first time in my dominations history that I havent logged on for a full day. I will test for the next few days the changes for myself but rest assured that our alliance will move to another game as a whole and the only one to lose from that is YOU. And the reason is that you don't listen to never

And notice that I didn't even try this time to put some sense to you guys, you want 300% buff to buildings?? Please do it and watch the results of your idiocy. Me and my friends will not be here anymore...
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Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
Funny is that at the SAME time during this rebalancing drama, you can buy elephant archers !!

Coincidence ?

I am someone realistic, but with the new game-changing hitpoints and damage values, this game is now too long, too expensive, too hard and no fun anymore. People are already leaving my alliance to stop playing this game for the reasons I stated earlier.

Well, we all drop to 200 medals and bring destruction & fire on those low-level abandoned bases..Free gold & chicken for everyone. For petrol, you will have to find another source.


Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
Some clan members tried other CoC-clones but they are either too stupid, or even worse P2W games. Domi was a very good game in the beginning with a lot of potential, but the potential has been killed a long time ago.

Let's develop our own clone of Dominations. haha


Approved user
Feb 2, 2016
The buildings are currently buffed the troops not (yet). To be fair it didn´t change really for my loot/attack style. Looked at my buildings and some 1000 HP more not really impressive. Anti-tank is pretty nice but that one is also buffed by museum and university, 12098 DPS.
looks like the update wasnt complete while I played, ATG is now nerfed.
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Approved user
Feb 27, 2018
If this is really updated! I believe it will scare away those long-time supporters! Most of our guilds will leave this game! The most basic bait is destroyed!


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
It must have taken a lot of work to make these adjustments.

Just curious...
Did you fix pathing?
Because when I rally, my tanks will beat on a wall 2 spaces away from the last hole they made. 25% of my archers are useless during battle for the same reason, they are chipping away at stone.

Did you fix WW pairing?
75% of WWs are impossible or overwhelming. Rarely get even battle strengths. And sandbagging needs to be addressed.

Missile Silos are the worst strategy killers, and you make them stronger?
Silos force the attacking army to give up normal battle formations, and instead use your heavy cavalry as missile decoys. It's f'n retarded.

How hard is it to evenly time distribute troop rebuilding across the barracks?

I'm having to agree with many of the other posts here, it seems you aren't listening to your players.


Approved user
Dec 9, 2017
Being really honest,
The change is really abrupt, a more gradual path would have been more parsimonious.
I understand the frustration of some players who opted in their time the path of just focusing on improving the offense. But also, you have to be objective, that you chose that path knowing that the offensive was exaggerated with respect to the defensive. If I believe, that the game should have limited a bit allow only improve the offensive.
If I think the change is just for those who really dedicated themselves to improving their defenses.
This readjustment makes the Time Bug obsolete.

Things you should not forget to adjust:
-EAs points of life and attack (must be reduced)
-Penalize the Sandbags
-Germany at this time became the best nation for all ages from industrial onwards.
-> They must rebalance the nations. Two ways:
-Level the secondary advantages
-Second Unique Units of each Nation but this time of Factory
-Germans, Romans, Japanese ----> APCs (this is actualy ongoing)
-GB, China, Korea ---> Machibe guns
-Greece, France ---> Heavy Tanks


Approved user
Jan 31, 2017
That’s ridiculous. I must say, I’ve never seen a company so far out of touch with their community — or with such a flagrant disregard for it — than Nexon. I understand not making every change requested by a large portion of the player base, but these changes are virtually universally condemned (and let’s face it, the “Whoo Nexon!” crowd would keep cheering if Nexon came to kill their newborns). Notice how Nexon has been upping videos and crowns lately? That is a blatant last-ditch attempt to squeeze as much money out of the game as they could. It’s a shame, too, since they could have made so much more money by simply making the more desired changes. Nexon consistently implements and alters things that nobody asked about, then laughs at people (and TinSoldier comes in here to act passive-aggressive and send our comments to “the team” so they can laugh at us in their designer clothing) when they try complaining, knowing that they’re still going to get money from a certain group of whales.

The game is done. It’s almost fitting that the ends resemble the beginning; DomiNations was a cheap game created based heavily off of Clash of Clans, not requiring much effort to set out most of the mechanics, and it’ll die in the same way, with developers putting in zero effort to accommodate the playerbase. Almost like poetry.

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
And what do you know? Right on cue my global account has been attacked by a 280 CWA who probably wouldn't have bothered for the relatively meager amount of resources just yesterday. How in the hell do you expect global players to save 150,000+ oil now? Do you expect people to grind 100,000+ oil in one sitting? That's going to be real fun with the massively increased losses per battle yet no corresponding decrease in training times. I swear, you devs are just trolls at this point.


Approved user
Apr 24, 2017
Feels like fighting in quicksand. I will not be raiding cws again not even decent atomic. Only reasonable option for my max cws troops is global now. They are all going to be shielded now so it’s basically become the next game.
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Approved user
Sep 18, 2018
Looks like Google will refund my money up to 90 days. However, I feel like a complete moron knowing that I've spent hundreds, maybe thousands on this game over the last few years. If you can make all of my troops retrain in like 10 minutes then this update isn't too bad. You clowns have yet to realize that TIME is the biggest problem.


Approved user
Aug 15, 2018
These updates are shocking. I am especially astounded by the silo hp increase. It is off the charts.

I noticed the stronghold did not recieve the same buffs as everythin else. This is effectively a nerf. It went from one of the best defensive buildings to one of the worst


Approved user
May 19, 2016
I've just started playing Fallout Shelter again. Something to kill the time until I find another RTS-type game. I downloaded a bunch of games but haven't jumped into them yet. If I post them here the mods will just delete it anyway.


Approved user
May 10, 2017
I have done a few raids since the update, and I don't notice a huge difference. The plane boost has helped to somewhat offset the HP increases, and the increased damage vs defenders is very noticeable (and appreciated). This damage boost should really help against SH troops in wars.

So maybe the sky isn't falling after all?


Approved user
May 10, 2017
I should add that I have not done a war attack since the update. I assume there will be a big impact when facing maxed 3D bases vs raiding, but wars that don't end with a tiebreaker might be more exciting...


Approved user
Mar 15, 2018
Nexon, i am literally at a loss for words... F***ing clowns, all of you