Honest feedback on time breaker.

Honest feedback on time breaker.

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Approved user
Apr 8, 2016
For me time breaker is just money sucking. Now everyone needs to use 4 cards to ensure ur time is the fastest. What an ultimate way of pay to win without any skills. Lol. Now weaker teams(small spenders) have no chances on the strong ones(big spender teams) even if they get the same amount of stars. The numbers of paid cards decides who's your daddy. Their times won't be the same.

Kaiser Shag

Approved user
Aug 21, 2016
The best solution would be to remove time breaker and in case of same amount of stars, give to both teams the full war loot and half of the glory they should have won in case of victory.


Approved user
Dec 22, 2016
I like it honestly - we're in a different league to you though. Mucking around in those spaces just outside the top 100 trying to get in.


Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
As was brought up ever since they said they were going to bring it back, it's a bad idea. It just benefits the pay to win alliances. With all the upcoming defense changes, it's really not needed now. A year ago when just about every alliance was getting max stars, the playerbase did want it, but things have dramatically changed since then with pay to win and defense changes.


Approved user
Apr 12, 2017
I disagree that both teams should get full war loot in case of a tie. By definition, a tie should be less rewarding than a win. If you find that you're max starring, but also giving up max stars, perhaps it's time to put a concerted effort into defensive upgrades across the alliance board. Defense wins championships!


Approved user
Aug 3, 2017
the solution is to minimize pay to win not offering no tie braker. to decide who wins when stars and destruction are same with infight time is the right option imho.


Approved user
Oct 22, 2016
I feel like there should have been bonus stars to lower tie breakers. So you have the 5 stars you could win from the attack plus you can win an extra star on your first attack if you win, also you would get an additional star if either of your attacks are against an opponent that is higher in age than you. This would encourage player to upgrade their defense because an Atomic player wouldnt want to give an extra star to global player because they failed to upgrade anything defensively and for those alliances that choose to throw in junk bases at the bottom would suffer because they wouldnt attack thus no extra stars won on their first attack if they win.


Approved user
Apr 7, 2016
I hate the time tiebreaker. I also think it is still broken, and there is a cheat. I have seen some times that seem impossible. Unfortunate how they ended war replays at the same time as bringing back the tiebreaker.

But, besides the problem of encouraging adding cards and the game becoming bigger payer wins, it also changes the game if you are in an alliance where not all the players are the same age.

Here is why
It gives the incentive to hit bases below you for the fastest possible time as opposed to attacking a challenging base. In some cases, it becomes how fast you can drop and take out the sandbags. This also means that players at the lower end of the roster's attacks don't matter as much because higher level players will just come attack the target they hit for a faster time.

To me, I get more satisfaction in this game taking out a player above me than running over a baby. If you are at the top of your war roster, you may not see a problem, but there is one for the lower part of your roster.

Additionally, the game has never rewarded taking out a base faster. If a player uses troops that move slower, but still get the job done, that has been fine. If nexon wants to encourage different nations and troop combos, putting in this tiebreaker is a step in the wrong direction.

Here is my proposal for a tiebreaker:
If there is a tie, then the alliance with the most 5 star attacks from different/unique players. If you have some players who got 5 stars on 2 bases, then only 1 of their attacks would be included in determining the tiebreaker.

For example, if an alliance all got 5 stars on their mirror, in determining the tiebreaker, they would have a full score. If an alliance had their top half of players take out all the opposing bases and the bottom half of players made no 5 star attacks, they would only have half the score in a tiebreaker.

This would encourage a full team effort because the goal would be for each player to be able to 5 star one base. So once perfect is reached, the bases that were 5 starred by the same player, those bases could be reattacked by other players who do not yet have any unique 5 star attacks.

This would also discourage sandbagging because those irons would be unable to get stars on any base unless they were also facing sandbags.

I am not sure I am explaining this clearly (if someone understands what I am saying and has better words than me, feel free to put it in the comments below).

I have thought about this solution quite a bit, and have yet to see a downside. Other people's thoughts?


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Extra stars for lower bases beating higher bases is a great idea.
Also, how about 1 less star if people attack a lower aged base, say 2 levels lower?
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