It is near impossible to get a 5 star victory on maxed out bases!

Chris Coley

Approved user
May 24, 2015
Just throwing this out there, as I've tried this several times over the past few weeks. I have the highest level Zeppelin and a triplane, as well as machine gunners and the St Charmond tanks (I don't use the Heavy Tank as I find it too slow) I had a surplus of diamonds this morning and decided to invest in a few of the fire spewing mercenary tanks...anyway, I hit a maxed out base. I mean maxed out walls, maxed out defenses, everything..just to see what would happen. Firstly, the quick victory ain't gonna happen unless you sacrifice half your army to get that base. Secondly with 5 blessings, I disabled the towers and took out some defenses...I did pretty good, but has anyone honestly tried for a 5 star victory on a base of this kind and succeeded?


Approved user
Jan 27, 2016
Just throwing this out there, as I've tried this several times over the past few weeks. I have the highest level Zeppelin and a triplane, as well as machine gunners and the St Charmond tanks (I don't use the Heavy Tank as I find it too slow) I had a surplus of diamonds this morning and decided to invest in a few of the fire spewing mercenary tanks...anyway, I hit a maxed out base. I mean maxed out walls, maxed out defenses, everything..just to see what would happen. Firstly, the quick victory ain't gonna happen unless you sacrifice half your army to get that base. Secondly with 5 blessings, I disabled the towers and took out some defenses...I did pretty good, but has anyone honestly tried for a 5 star victory on a base of this kind and succeeded?

I think we have to look at it from another angle.
Do you think that you can 5star the maxed out EA base with maxed out EA offense? I think it can be done but only with super expereinced warriors like those in Kingdom league and more. I think that this applies also for IA example which you presented.
I think that it does make sense as its much easier to max out your offense in every age than defense :)


Approved user
Jun 1, 2015
I have but play as British. I roll with 3 mk3 triplanes rather than the triplane + airship combo. Obviously when AI screws your day up things don't go so well but it's certainly possible.


Chris Coley

Approved user
May 24, 2015
Wow..look at that League bonus! ❤️ I think I should keep hitting the bases, the medal rewards seem larger, I'm in Industrial by the way, but when I only get +3 medals out of 12 sometimes I think I should just stick with the lower leveled attacks with a guarantee of +2 or 3 lol


Approved user
Jan 5, 2016
Chris, You are correct when you say "Near Impossible". As in our alliance especially during the world wars, myself along with the top 2 guys hit the top 6. About 80% of the time we get 5 stars on all 6. They can be a level 175 or whatever it is now, with those crazy "cheating" silver walls with 2 town centers and we can still do it. Very difficult but do able. In multi player I usually pass them up as it takes all mercs, tactics, allies, troops, and generals. This is just too many resources to spend on a multi player battle. Also, the leader from the alliance and I work together so we share different strategies. If you have a friend that plays share: how you battle, what you use, and when you rally. It really helps.

Rogue Mafia


Approved user
Dec 25, 2015
But that makes sense, 5 starring a TOTALLY maxed base, should be hard!!

What's the point of working in defenses, if defense isn't anyways possible?


Approved user
May 19, 2015
Harder but nowhere near impossible, we 5 star nearly every max base in our wars. What army you use, and tactics?


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
If the base has maxed walls and a well thought out design then 5 starring is hard - even with a Brit or Korean army spamming archers and artillery. A more likely - and achievable - scenario is 4 stars. Five stars is possible if you happen to come across an abandoned base, a base with low level walls, the defense towers aren't maxed out, etc. - so technically it can be done but is it worth it?

But really, if a base is offering good loot and plenty of medals, is 5 starring that important? Just go for 3 or 4 - you'll still get a good proportion of the medals and plenty of loot after the win.

Quang t legend

Approved user
Jan 21, 2016
Actually with the bonus troop: Pathfinders, Super Elephants, 100% destruction is achievable. You can get 5 star if you know the right things to do.


Approved user
Dec 23, 2015
If you really wan´t to (meaning using all mercs, generals and tactics, some blessing too) there´s no base you can´t 5-star. The question is if it´s worth it.


Approved user
Dec 25, 2015
If you really wan´t to (meaning using all mercs, generals and tactics, some blessing too) there´s no base you can´t 5-star. The question is if it´s worth it.

I think this game isn't like others, attacking is possible, if you have the skill, I imagine this scenario with French:

27 Riflemen (+3 Black Watch donation) 6 Tanks 3 Healer 3 Artillery (+3 from donation) 2 Flammpanzer Tank 1 Gurkha 2 Protection 2 Treason 1 Sabotage 2 Generals 3 Triplanes / 1 Trip 1 Zep

And I think with that you shall be able to do any base. Forbidden City is what is trickier, the Zepelin helps there, and maybe demolition tactic if needed, but besides from that, rest is easy with all that power.

In other games (yeah, the Clash of clans mention of this posts, lol...), for 100% destructing a base, you need ALL the power you can gather... I still think that without the mercenaries, and with 2-3 tactics, you shall still be able to 5 star any base, needs skill, but possible and I have clan mates that do it.


Approved user
Dec 23, 2015
I agree with you, with some luck too (artillery not going haywire lol) you should be able 5-star any base with just your troops and some tactics. Heavily upgraded generals help too of course. Forbidden city is easily taken out using 2 max upgraded explosives or as you mentioned, with Zeppelin.
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Approved user
Dec 25, 2015
So 2 demolition tactics maxed it what it takes? I have not mine maxed, so maybe 3 will do? Worth knowing, I struggle a lot when in war against forbidden city, so 2 tactics seems an option.


Approved user
Dec 23, 2015
Yes, I don´t know the exact hitpoints for Industrial age Forbidden city but it must be under 4400 since a maxed demolition tactic does 2200 damage and two of them takes it out. HP for EA Forbidden city is 3700 if I remember correct.


Approved user
May 10, 2015
Don't forget you can get the quick victory with 50%. Frequently there are lots of buildings outside and undefended if TC and FC are inside walls.


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
Don't forget Betrayal. With so many maxed out bases a couple of heavy tanks turned to your side definitely helps - and if you don't need to train them you can bring more ranged firepower to the battle.


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
It's easier with the French for sure - their tanks are perfect for the job - especially if you have Versailles. Can't wait til my puny MA Frenchies become IA!


Approved user
Dec 25, 2015
Ravenlord, having been Romans too before French, I'm not sure, assuming max ally donated, who has really the better army...

With Romans I didn't have even the MK2 tank to have tested, I miss a lot Romans 148 space.

The French tank is good, sure, but I still the Romans space bonus, is very solid.

You have one... And British too, right? British (or Koreans), feel powerful too with their UU.

Any of that civilizations I think can max 5 star any base.


Approved user
Dec 25, 2015
Jo-Jo, being in IA, I think I have never anymore get the 50% quick star victory... I never split army, so it's difficult that I can get it that way.

And Ravenlord, totally, betrayal is my second tactic. When I have already a Protection, second more interesting I find the betrayal, also there's that achievement of 300 uses!! Slowly working, I'm far more a real completionist, not you, lol!! I made today the 5 million gathering blessing one... 10 crowns reward!!!! Can't really decide what to buy with such a generous reward!!! :p