Museum storage and organization


Newbie in DomiNations
Apr 26, 2021
I'm coming back to the subject, as I believe that little attention has been paid to something that makes life difficult for players and unnecessarily.
It is more than necessary to develop a better search system for stored artifacts.

The limit stock capacity is 125. Having to search through 125 artifacts every time the player wants to change their configuration becomes insane.

Several things can be done about it and I will offer suggestions.
- Storage in folders. The player assembles folders where he can store specific artifacts.
- Possibility to rename artifacts. Once acquired, the player can give new names to their artifact.
- Set of saved artifacts. The player can leave up to 5* (fictitious number)* sets of established artifacts saved, in this way it would be enough to choose a set and all artifacts would be automatically replaced by that defined composition.

These are just some ideas and suggestions to solve a situation where the player spends a lot of time solving things that the developers could easily solve.

Many other games have these features. I'm not suggesting anything impossible to do.


New member
May 25, 2022
Agree completel!

Speaking of QoL improvements, they need to do a major overhaul of the base design interface. It’s the worst I’ve ever seen with any city builder game. Take some tips from Clash of Clans and add things like walls only view, ability to move the entire base at once in any direction, buildings grouped into categories (defense, economy, army, etc.) so they are easier to find, and move the building inventory bar to the bottom (and smaller) rather than on the side. Would also be nice to be able share copies of a base design that could be shared in chat for other alliance members to easily copy and paste to their own inventory. Also, increase the available number of designs to 5 each for war and home.


Newbie in DomiNations
Apr 26, 2021
I'm coming back to the subject, as I believe that little attention has been paid to something that makes life difficult for players and unnecessarily.
It is more than necessary to develop a better search system for stored artifacts.

The limit stock capacity is 125. Having to search through 125 artifacts every time the player wants to change their configuration becomes insane.

Several things can be done about it and I will offer suggestions.
- Storage in folders. The player assembles folders where he can store specific artifacts.
- Possibility to rename artifacts. Once acquired, the player can give new names to their artifact.
- Set of saved artifacts. The player can leave up to 5* (fictitious number)* sets of established artifacts saved, in this way it would be enough to choose a set and all artifacts would be automatically replaced by that defined composition.

These are just some ideas and suggestions to solve a situation where the player spends a lot of time solving things that the developers could easily solve.

Many other games have these features. I'm not suggesting anything impossible to do.
Another thing...
With the increasing amount of new legendary artifacts and possibilities of different attack and defense compositions, I would say that the limit of 125 artifacts for storage is getting out of date.
It's the same amount since the Space Age.

I believe this should also be improved through further research, as getting decent artifacts we all know is hard and long work. It doesn't make sense to have to eliminate some so that others are obtained according to the updates that are made over the years.


Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
I have 101 fully upgraded artifacts and I could have more if I wanted. Tho, yes, much more space for museum is definitely appropriate.


Newbie in DomiNations
Apr 26, 2021
I come again to request more storage capacity for artifacts for the museum.
I would also like to request an improvement in the artifact inventory, making it possible to form groups of artifacts in folders, with possible naming of folders and artifacts.
This is a necessary improvement in view of the range of possibilities for attack and defense compositions, both for MP and WW.

Thank you for your attention and I hope you can consider this request.


Newbie in DomiNations
Apr 26, 2021
Currently the game has 72 Legendary artifacts.
Every year new Legendary artifacts are unveiled and that's really cool, but they're so hard to get that it's like collectibles.
Since the museum cap is pretty much the same since its launch and players are not aware of an improvement in this regard, I ask that you at least remove Legendary artifacts from the artifact count by creating a storage tab just for them.
In this way it would expand the stock for artifacts obtained by fragments for both MP and WW.
The need for more storage at the museum is urgent. In this same topic I already gave some suggestions and this is one more.
I hope you can really consider this for future updates soon.