Need help understanding why some attacks fail and some work better than expected


Approved user
Apr 16, 2015
Need help understanding why some attacks fail and some work better than expected.

It seems I attack similar bases in similar eras. Sometimes my attacks peel right through base, other times I fail miserably.

My concern is I can not identify what makes these bases so much different. Can anyone give me some tips in what to look for. What stands out that might be the tell I need to adjust strategy

I'm classical era and face off mostly against classical foes, but for the life of me I don't know why my standard attacks rolls some bases and other times rolls me


Approved user
Apr 27, 2015
I'll take a guess... they are similar, but the placements of the buildings are slightly different. as a result, where your troops go, which route they take might be quite different too. Since the rally has cooldown, you might not have enough time to redirect your troops in time under certain circumstances.


Approved user
Apr 16, 2015
I'll take a guess... they are similar, but the placements of the buildings are slightly different. as a result, where your troops go, which route they take might be quite different too. Since the rally has cooldown, you might not have enough time to redirect your troops in time under certain circumstances.

I'm sure that has some to do with , but I think it also has lots to do with wonder types and library upgrades, but how can I tell before hand and plan effectively.

guess I need to educate myself on the different wonder strengths.. but I feel I'm missing some obvious stuff
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Approved user
Apr 27, 2015
I'm sure that has some to do with , but I think it has lots to do with wonder types and library upgrades, but how can I tell before hand and plan effectively

yea that too if the wonders are different.


Approved user
Apr 27, 2015
I learned the hard way to be aware of active blessings. In classical i ran with 15 archers 50 samurai as my default raiding party.

This strategy hinged on the fact that I could move through the base quickly and not get thinned out by defenses. With both blessings up I was unable to make 5 stars or even worse not get all of the resources of a base design I know I could have breezed through.

Medieval age has me learning to use wall-breakers and heavy horse and to execute more surgical strikes. It's quite a learning curve.

Blessings work both ways, I think of blessings as just another sink for trade goods just like mercs that can help tip the odds and bag you a base with a ton of loot.


Approved user
Apr 6, 2015
Walls and placement of archer buildings makes a big difference. If the defense buildings are spread out, then that makes it a more slow attack and they can get a lot of hits on your troops. Not really wonders or library that much. Use the rally wisely and take out the catapult fast.


Approved user
Apr 18, 2015
The levels buildings and walls are upgraded to makes a big difference too. An early classical player may have all the same buildings and layout as a late classical player, but the extra firepower and hit points from the upgraded buildings makes a big difference. Research (which is mostly invisible) can change things too.

Aussie guy

Approved user
Jan 29, 2015
As Finger mentions, active blessings can make a big difference. And Endoftimes and Lissanne are also correct about walls, the levels of buildings, and the effects of library research. Some players may also have big alliance gates which gives them 15 extra troops on defence. I am a level 105 player with maxed up troops, and generally would not bother to attack another level 100plus base unless it had no blessings in place. I also look to see if the base has already been attacked...if it's spikes and traps are open...that will make my attack easier. If they have a castle, I look to see if they have a General in place. The General of a high level player can cause a big delay in attacks as they carry up to 24,300 hit points and move around. The unique layout of walls and buildings is what makes this game interesting. For me personally, I find bases that place stables and garrisons behind walls, quite tricky to attack, because if you don't knock them over quickly, they generate extra waves of defenders. When I first started playing this game, I used to use an attack with mass foot troops, but found that as you advance, more strategy is required to secure victories. A few days ago, a player attacked me exvlusively using 123 foot troops and his troops didn't even knock over one of my walls. Things like wall-miners, canons, supply trains, a mixture of foot troops and musketeers (archers) are useful. I only use mercenaries in emergencies due to their one off use and high cost in trade goods. I also use war tactics my level 1 sabotage tactic takes 45 minutes to regenerate, whereas lost troops are much faster and cheaper to replace. Anyway, good luck.


Approved user
Apr 16, 2015
good stuff to read. I'm having trouble identifying the level of buildings quickly for one, or knowing how many attackers are going to come out all together.
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Approved user
Apr 27, 2015
I assumed "similar" referred to similar levels as well. Guess I sort of jumped to conclusions.


Approved user
Apr 27, 2015
When I identify a raid target i look first for catapults and Garrison/Stable arrangement.

Second, I remember my troops are dumb as bricks.

If i can avoid triping the Garrisons I can take care of the horses from the woods and clear enough random buildings from the wall to send my main force against it without having them try to circle the base or forcing me to rally just to get them going in the right direction.