New Matchmaking and Glory Observations


Approved user
Jul 13, 2017
Just started another war where if we win we go up 1332. If we lose it's 52. The last 5 wars have been so incredibly unbalanced. The only way we have a shot is if they don't fight. This is so frustrating! There has to be a different way to do the matches. Base name hacksaw.


Approved user
Nov 22, 2016
Today we have a great even match only we could lose 1196 points and win 1 point.

But what's the case. It's an even match. We have 22 atomic bases and the opponent also.
So why is that? Because there is a new kind of bag system around. Top alliances are dropping members in a new alliance to fight against top teams.
It's more profitable to get your opponents to lose 1196 points than to win are lose more points yourself!

We will face today members of the Warwolves(HK) but in another alliance. awful dudes!
The new bag system is in effect

Dutch Warlords


Approved user
Nov 22, 2016
There is a solution for this.
Just give the inactive alliances every week a penalty of 1% of the glory points.


Approved user
Oct 22, 2015
I like your proposed solution. Also maybe if alliance perks are strong enough, they will counter act this? That is a pretty crappy problem! Sorry it is happening.


Approved user
Oct 22, 2015
We have had good matches the last week or two. Some have been very very hard and we've lost a few and stalemated a few. But, it is the first time in almost a year we have had 7 out of 8 matches be against teams that dont sandbag. Maybe it is luck, maybe its better.

Although matchmaking for us is much better, like others the glory seems out of whack. It is very often extreme with one team being able to win 90%+ the glory at stake. Although we have only lost two matches in our last 10, we are still at negative glory in our last 10 matches. Our two losses have given us -500, and our 8 wins or stalemates(I think 2) have given us a combined 250 glory.

Despite this, it is really good to see they are finally doing something material to change and hopefully improve matchmaking and glory. I really hope they dont take any of the focus off of it and continue to make it a priority.
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Approved user
Nov 22, 2016
Yes indeed the perks are also helping a bit and thanks for your understanding S_How.


Approved user
Jul 22, 2016
Glory points according to matches unrelated to glory makes no sense. The opposite is also true....

A match by Glory would match, let's say rank #35 vs #52. It would not be a fair match at the beggining, but eventually it would level out. Points by Glory (like now) would be even, or close. One team would go up, the other one down, by the same margin. This ELO system would not work, as I said before, as long as teams can start from scratch, and there's not to prevent that...just like merges in a team that would strat from 12,000.

Which leaves Glory points unrelated to Glory Ranking. If a match is balance (which it never is for the weaker team), the points awarded should be balanced. If I remember correctly, more points were suppose to be given to heavier teams, which it should be, more than Glory rank or size of the team. In this propose system, team #35 who matches #356 would get the same split in points, according to their total weight. So teams with 25 AA matching other teams with 25 AA, would play for let's say +/- 500 points, and have a better chance of advancing then 20 IA vs 20 IA who would play for +/- 300. Eventually, heavy teams would be up top, and mid size weight teams would be a bit lower, but no more would a team ranked top10 play for 1-10 points every single match, and risk losing 1000. If teams are balanced, same points...but then, BHG needs to find a way for better balanced matches....and they aren't really listening I just realized I lost 15 minutes of my time... :(


Approved user
May 26, 2016
First war for us, after the last changes and updates. I thought small wars are more balanced than the bigger ones, cause there is no room for sandbagging, but this one is pretty unfair. They have no chance at all. Glory split is 3 for a win, 690 if we lose. 2 days wasted on a worthless war for both teams...

Us vs them
1. atomic/240 vs industrial/173
2. atomic/210 vs industrial/176
3. atomic/199 vs atomic/172
4. global/192 vs industrial/169
5. global/156/ vs industrial/167
6. global/163 vs global/165
7. industrial/166 vs industrial/156
8. industrial/151 vs global/168
9. industrial/152 vs global/164
10. enlightenment/108 vs industrial/139


Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
yop..same for us...their top 6 2 ages above our top..impossible to win and we have been considered as favorite ! wtf...


Approved user
May 26, 2016
We are way above them! Their industrials must defeat our almost maxed out atomic bases, they didn't even try... At least we are considered favorite, as we have 21800 glory against their 12600. And AXP is weird. It seems we get more than maximum. The war is not over yet.

Hey u

Approved user
Dec 8, 2016
I continue to complain about glory points and continue to be frustrated. It's to the point it's gotten ridiculous. We are an experienced war alliance with almost 200 wars and very high win ratio and all members are grumbling about matchups and glory point ratio. I don't know why you don't go to a simple average of participants bases throwing out high and low, and make glory points commiserate with that. I don't know who on your staff thinks there's anything remotely fair about the current setup but the old adage still holds, garbage in garbage out.


Approved user
May 26, 2016
This is how world war history looks like for us. 1, 2 and 3 glory points in the last 3 wars.

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Approved user
Dec 13, 2016
This post is not necessarily saying the changes are good or bad, but just to point out the changes it might make to alliances.

Previously we had an open door to new players as the matchmaking system didn't penalize us for taking them in. One of the strong points of the game was that new players and experienced players could play together. Activity was more important than age.

However as alliances are now being punished for having new players I can see them being rejected.

Small active alliances are being stripped of their glory (Which again may be an ok part of a new system), but the consequences for new people joining and looking to be involved in an active alliance may not be good


Approved user
Oct 22, 2015
This post is not necessarily saying the changes are good or bad, but just to point out the changes it might make to alliances.

Previously we had an open door to new players as the matchmaking system didn't penalize us for taking them in. One of the strong points of the game was that new players and experienced players could play together. Activity was more important than age.

However as alliances are now being punished for having new players I can see them being rejected.

Small active alliances are being stripped of their glory (Which again may be an ok part of a new system), but the consequences for new people joining and looking to be involved in an active alliance may not be good

Ive not seen any examples of alliances being punished for having new players, what do you mean by that? If you mean lower glory, alliances of all ages are experiencing that, including mine who often wars with only global and atomic players. We've had 2 losses in our last 10 wars, are around rank 100 or so (not a top team), and in our two losses we have lost 500 glory compared to gaining about 250 in our 6 wins combined. There are other advanced teams in this thread consistently getting less than 10 glory per win lol.

It is odd, it seems most/many matches now, one team gains like 90%+ of the total glory

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Approved user
Dec 13, 2016
Ive not seen any examples of alliances being punished for having new players, what do you mean by that? If you mean lower glory, alliances of all ages are experiencing that, including mine who often wars with only global and atomic players. We've had 2 losses in our last 10 wars, are around rank 100 or so (not a top team), and in our two losses we have lost 500 glory compared to gaining about 250 in our 6 wins combined. There are other advanced teams in this thread consistently getting less than 10 glory per win lol.

It is odd, it seems most/many matches now, one team gains like 90%+ of the total glory

It isn't helping to have new players in...we have been matched with alliances with 10 x the xp...and an average of more than an age higher per player in a large all we can do is kick the lower guys and be as big as possible


Approved user
May 26, 2016
It is odd, it seems most/many matches now, one team gains like 90%+ of the total glory

Right to the point!
4th war for us since the changes with under 10 GP to win. This time 15 vs 15 war, 5 glory to win, 774 to lose.

Our Home

Approved user
Dec 13, 2016
We have been matched with huge alliances compared to us in 4 of the last 5 wars. I think we are victims of our starting success and may be seeing problems a lot of other alliances are not. Once again we are not going for a win but just for some perk exp. There are 6-7 bases we cannot hope to get 1 star against despite us being an efficient and very active alliance. we have 1 industrial base and 2 EA bases. The opposition has 1 atomic..6 globals and 6 industrials..It's an advanced alliance matched with a new alliance..It's been this way for 4 of the last 5 wars and we are being stripped of our glory with another 500+ to be lost in this one. Don't want to see any replies suggesting the matches are reasonable because they clearly are not. Matchmaking worked much better for us before the 'fix'. We are not sandbaggers..we are a small alliance in terms of experience compared to our opponents..we have previously had an open door to all ages and are all active in our wars.

I'm not looking to cry about this in any way lol..but just point out the the matches we are facing. We will of course hang about to see how things pan out. On the plus side we are gaining perks..
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Approved user
May 26, 2016
Clearly after the fix, matchmaking is completely broken, glory split also. We have the same problem, but on the opposite side. 5 out of 5 wars we were matched with alliances way way weaker than us. They didn't even try to fight back. And we gained 1, 2, 3, 5 and in the last one 8 glory. Total glory earned in the last 5 wars 19 points.