Placing army resources before starting battle


Approved user
Jun 9, 2015
In "real life" an army would be deployed in its various positions before battle commences. It would be nice to be able to deploy troops without them immediately going about their business so that we don't have to frantically tap and scroll around looking for places to deploy.

For example, I want to deploy a couple of "cannon fodder" foot soldiers to see if there are any traps or ambushes, then deploy my wall miners and have the rest of my army ready in position to storm the wall when the gap is made.

Maybe an "attack in waves" option or "deploy then attack".

As it is now it is easy to lose 5 or 6 legionnaires even before I've got the rest of the army deployed.

Great game BTW!


Approved user
May 28, 2015
Great Idea I like it, plus it will help when accidentally deploy a troop in wrong location when you try to scroll around or try to click the next match button. deploy and remove without penalty