• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Please roll back the NTG update - it makes the problem worse, not better


Approved user
Dec 6, 2018
The new NTG system was meant to make it easier to get the right NTGs, or so we were told, but actually it makes the problem worse. You hunt and hunt until you find the nationality you need (usually Koreans), 5* them, and then get tea or silk, which I always have more of than I need. (Don’t know why, but it’s always the case).

Please roll back the NTG update. I know you meant well, but you made the problem worse.


Approved user
Oct 13, 2017
I will speak to the contrary and in support of the update.

if hunting for one specific NTG it is harder to get it, but Bjorn can help with that.

What I have experienced is that under the course of normal raiding for rss, It tends to grant NTGs of all types. I believe this was the intention. I was raiding for oil the other day and after about 20 raids without paying attention to nation I was attacking I had filled all of my NTGs.

The update is meant to not make targeted attacks a requirement but to grant NTGs more often when raiding normally.

I think this specific complaint is due more to the attitude of “I must have both Americans and Ethiopians every war and won’t use other coalitions… and they require the same NTG and I don’t have enough of that one NTG!

Same argument for other common complimentary coalitions. I think the update is working in general as far as granting more of the rare NTGs in general. It might not help when hunting a specific one down, but in general it helps.


Approved user
Mar 25, 2019
Hunting down specific NTGs is a requirement for using coalitions optimally, so it should be expected that players wanting the best possible performance in war to try to do that. There's nothing wrong with the attitude you describe. It's just players taking the game mechanics they were given and trying to achieve the most they can with it.

This change to NTGs makes it harder for players to maximize their performance in one of the core features of the game. Nobody asked for a slight increase in randomly awarded NTGs which they don't have room to keep anyway. The new system might work if there were an open-24/7 market for trading in excess NTGs for needed ones, but we don't have that, only an occasional Marco Polo offer to trade one specific NTG for one other specific NTG at 3:1.


Approved user
Oct 13, 2017
What I am suggesting is attack any nation that has the chance for what you are looking for. If you need porcelain don’t just attack Korean unless you are using Bjorn.

I guarantee you that I understand the mechanics of the game and I fully use the mechanics to maximum benefit. I just found that if you play normally before you know it the NTGs you look for will be filled. It is working for me. It only doesn’t work if you are minimally attacking for just 1-2 NTGs. If you attack frequently (5-8 times per day) you find what you need without any real problem.

learn how to use the system provided and stop the incessant whining about changes you want rolled back. It is a game. Only a game. Play the game for enjoyment. If it is not enjoyable quit.

if all we did was complain about changes we want rolled back, then:
1. Undo the defense oriented reballance
2. Get rid of the museum
3. put back the NTG system
4. eliminate the OP generals TT from the game
5. Etc…

the change is here and I figured out how to live with it. Do the same.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
no Bob, this is not the right way to think about it. If the game we all love and play daily for years has flaws, then the best course of action is to help remedy them.
Not everyone can use Bjorn or has the time needed to loot 15 bases just to get those 8 silks missing for the NTGs.

BHG has to fine tune this NTG system by guaranteeing for every 5 star battle that you will get the nations specific NTG (along with any random ones). This would solve the problem immediately.


New member
Jan 11, 2022
Totally agree with BobnamedDan,
If you don't use Bjorn then your mistake. If you can't loot enough bases then tough, that your limit, not the game.
I too didn't like the new NTG but its working fine now, if you know how to play it and are willing and able to play it
If you can't then don't expect a free ride, it's a game after all


Approved user
Dec 6, 2018
“Using Bjorn” doesn’t fix the problem, it just gives you a couple more random NTGs.

I don’t think it’s unreasonable to point out that a new update has the opposite effect to what they said they intended.

When you get to the late game and every single upgrade takes two weeks, people tend to spend less time in-game because there is no point raiding like you did earlier - all your storage rapidly gets full of stuff you can’t spend because you don’t have any workers. Making it harder to get the NTGs you need for optimal war performance doesn’t fix this, if anything it makes a player more likely to think “stuff this I can’t be bothered”, and wander off.


Approved user
Oct 13, 2017
I am not saying we should not make suggestions to help fix the issue. I am saying please everyone stop whining and complaining and saying “roll back the update, it is broken!” Provide statistics to point it out as a problem. Show numbers and don’t just complain.

Porcelain can be obtained from French, German, British, and Korean nations. From 10 attacks all 5 star on Germans I received x of NTG, x of NTG, x of Porcelain and x of salt. That kind of thing. I find I get porcelain from French as often as I get cheese from French.

Are you only attacking Korean nations? Maybe you should attack the other nations too if looking for porcelain.

And no, Bjorn does not give random NTGs. He always gives NTGs for the nation attacked. I have some 30 or so attacks that back that up.


Approved user
Dec 6, 2018
theBobNamedDan. I’ve done some experiments, and you are wrong. Bjorn definitely does not always get the trade good for the nation attacked. It appears to be random.


Approved user
Oct 13, 2017
I can tell you from my 3 accounts and alliance member accounts that Bjorn has never given a random NTG. He only collects NTGs if he attacks resource buildings so maybe depending on where he was dropped he didn’t collect any? He does not prevent the random NTG effect from the update or the one random NTG from Moctezuma. But every time I get 1-3 NTGs from the nation attacked when I use him.

I fully support the brainstorm ideas on how to fix issues, it is just starting to get to me the number of “please roll back the update it doesn’t work for me when I only attack one specific nation I can’t get that one nation’s NTG” stance. There are now 4 nations that grant each of the NTGs sought for. Attack them all. (Advantage, less time hitting next base looking for a nonexistent Greek or Japanese base).

I personably think that if Moctezuma’s one “random” NTG was in fact filled with the one NTG we have the least of every battle then we probably would be OK.

either that or rebalance the nations so that more people pick Greek or Japanese. (In info age there seem to be plenty of Koreans)

there are other fixes. This patch was an attempt to make NTGs more accessible and I feel it has worked. Yes hunting one specific NTG is harder, but in general they are easier to come by and via normal raiding they tent to be evenly spread to fill the ones up that have no bases to find.

This was not to make mining for one NTG easier. It was meant to address the lack of nation diversity in the upper ages which made 3/8 NTGs almost impossible to obtain. It does help with that problem. Especially if you are now complaining about only having one NTG that is not full. It used to be 3 of them.


Approved user
Mar 25, 2019
If you're doing fine with NTGs, then you had no need to even read these discussions, and certain complaints 'getting to you' is entirely your own fault. Maybe go play the game instead of telling people they're complaining the wrong way about problems that don't even affect you.

Rolling back an update is in fact an extremely constructive suggestion, as it requires less time and development resources to implement than any other prospective solution except leaving it as is. So I don't even get why this idea would 'get to you' even if you had some stake in the matter.
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BHG Moderator
Jun 8, 2020
Hey all, truly appreciate all the feedback we're getting here, we have been making sure this is relayed to the team. For clearer tracking purposes, we've put together a short survey, please take a moment to fill it out: https://forms.gle/UsuNFDu47oFAicGY9


Approved user
Dec 6, 2018
theBobNamedDan I now have to do far more raiding to get the NTGs I need. This update means that there is a high chance that any raid will yield a load of what I don’t need instead of what I do, so I have to do more work to get the same amount of goods. How does this help anyone?

At the moment I am very short of salt and porcelain, which often seems to be the case. Tea and silk are maxed, as they usually are for me, but the game keeps giving them to me anyway. The rest are somewhere in the middle.
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Approved user
Dec 6, 2018
Leviathan, thanks for taking an interest. I filled in the survey form, but you may find that some people can’t, as most Google apps are obsessed with forcing you to log in, and won’t let you use them if you don’t have a Google account.


Approved user
Oct 2, 2016
I've done testing too. Bjorn always gives ntgs of the nation you're attacking. No exceptions.