Prepare for Battle!

Prepare for Battle!

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Approved user
May 19, 2016
I don't normally complain about stuff with this game. My attitude is generally "just adapt and learn to deal with it". But there's one thing about the new update that is DRIVING ME NUTS after only a few minutes - the "prepare for battle" screen before multiplayer battles.

Why? For fark's sake, why was this deemed necessary? It's a great chance to check ourselves before plunging into war. It is EXTREMELY annoying when we're trying to drop medals or raid back-to-back in multiplayer. I'm talking WAY more annoying than the Marco Polo redirect.

Please Nexon, I know you guys do actually read this stuff and sometimes listen. Get rid of this pronto. It's gonna be almost universally hated, and it's completely unnecessary. It won't make you any money either, so there's really no justification for it at all.


Approved user
Nov 27, 2016
For once I agree with Festivus and that says everything. This bs prepare for battle is exactly what Kixeye did to their games...the result was a mass exodus and death of the games. Good job Nexon. You just managed to piss off every single player in the game.

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Approved user
Sep 20, 2017
This has got to be one of the most pointless things to add to the game. It wasn’t bad enough to annoy the sh*t out of us with the Marco polio redirect but now you got to add something that has no use at all


Approved user
Feb 26, 2017
I agree with the OP. This s..t has to be removed asap. Alternatively, keep the screen, but remove MP/SP campaign selection screen (make it as a button in the battle ready screen). There is no reason to click twice to activate single function. It is just a sing of developers do not know elemental principes of designing GUI.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
maaaaybe this could be useful when you’re breaking your treaty. never else


Approved user
May 19, 2016
Well, you're the ONLY person so far who's voted to keep it, so I can't believe that you're all that upset with it...


Approved user
Jul 12, 2017
it doesn't list 'fury' status for german players .... an obvious omission that would have helped german nation playability.

however, i must stand counterpoint to the negative reaction .. i think it's okay.
many times i have been at that point and wondered if i had a weapons blessing up, etc ... or backed out because i needed it.

it might have been done differently; eg it's own button ....
one i would actually use, far more vaulable than the stupid "recommended upgrades" button

but though i may be pillaried for it... i think it's an improvement.
...except the truly stupid lack of german fury status.
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Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Technically, the 30 sec scout screen does the same job.
If you happen to search for an opponent THEN realise you have some troops missing, you still have time to end without losing any troops. Even going past the 30secs still allows you to end without troop loss!
I wonder why anyone at Nexon thought this was a necessary QoL improvement for the game. Mind-boggling!

PS: ​​​​​​​I don't see why the rest of us should get this annoying screen just because some people can't get their sh!t together for a battle.
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Approved user
Dec 1, 2016
I... really don't care about this. I'm not using it but it doesn't irritate me like the Marco redirect either. Here I am going to say 'meh'.


Approved user
Jan 25, 2016
Even better: make it configurable . Let each player enable / disable it via the settings menu.

Agree with dannemare on this.
They could probably make it configurable and let each player enable/disable this feature.

I might be in the minority, but, I kind of seem to like this screen.

I'm a fan of structure and order, and like the fact that it neatly shows everything I have ready for the battle in an organized manner.
I also like the fact that clicking on the '+' icon for the Blessings actually filters and shows only the blessings applicable for attacks, which can be activated if I want to.
I also like the fact that it shows the expanded view of the donated troops available. Sure, until now, while training troops at the barracks, it can be seen by clicking on the alliance flag icon among the troops to see what's there, but, I seem to like the way it displays them now.

Call it unorganized or whatever, but, there have been times I realized slightly late that there were a few seconds left for the troop training to complete in one of the barracks for a field howitzer and ended up starting a battle with one less FH. This happens sometimes during a training blessing when I've donated 3 FH and 3 shooters to one request, and have topped up a few other semi filled requests with some shooters, and I hit the re-train button, and it queues up 1 FH in each barrack, and uneven numbers of shooters on each (because the total number of shooters is not a multiple of 3), and queues up the shooters ahead of the FH in one of the barracks.

So, yes, there are few cases where I find the new intermediate screen helpful.

And, these being just personal preferences, it's not a bad idea to provide a user setting to enable or disable this feature.

I agree that from a user experience design perspective, adding one more click for the user in order to initiate a battle is not the best of the implementations, and some rework could have been done to the sequence of steps (as suggested by Centurion96 above) to cut down one of the clicks.


Approved user
Apr 16, 2017
Try to live with it or if it is annoying then look up for a new game! this is what always Nexon/BHG's defenders says ! haha

Always I was looking for a preview of my whole army , but not like what is right now ! it should be designed as a separate button in the home screen ! it could even substitute with "recommended upgrades" button (an useless button that only can be a little helpful for the beginners) !
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Approved user
May 19, 2016
I agree with everyone on this :)
They added it so we can spend more of everything by adding it before the battle and Nexon can make more money. I'm fine with it.
New players might not even be aware how much things they can take for battle so it's good for them.
Option to build blessing from it, is not that bad either.
We can quickly see donated troops, which I never check manually and I don't know what would come in the middle of the battle ;)

Like many said above - this screen is good when you go for multiplayer battle but not when you are dropping medals, so I'd like another way of dropping medals because it's boring when you have to drop 2k medals :( I don't mind this screen when I go for normal battles but I agree that it could be better designed... :(

Solution for now
1. Option for each player to enable/disable it or remove SP/MP selection screen.

And by the way:
2. Another way of dropping medals would be much more appreciated by the community than this ;)
3. Focus on Marco Polo removed ;)
4. And bugs free updates ;)


Approved user
Oct 31, 2015
I like the new screen. To those who find it a bother when dropping medals, why not instead ask for a solution to medals be so worthless?


Approved user
Apr 20, 2016
Extremely hate it. Voted 'Do away with,' although it does have some merit. I would honestly prefer if they made it an option to turn off in settings. Leave on by default unless chosen to be off. While they're at it, the menu to go to multiplayer over single player is actually quite awful when you consider just how much screen real estate single player takes over multiplayer (you know -- the thing people mostly play the game for?) I beat the single player stuff a year ago, it's essentially dead space. The entire menu could use an overhaul so single player is pushed to the side after it is completed.

I think the lesson to be learned here over all is this: More screens and buttons to get to the actual gameplay? BAD. Less screens and buttons to get to the actual gameplay? Good!
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Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
TinSoldier , would the devs consider making this screen toggle-able? Give us an option to ''untick'' this option?
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