With all due respect... The forum is a much more structured environment for dealing with issues because you have the entire history of the issue, attachments and all, in one place, where other users can add info regarding the same issue, typically on different platforms/devices. Support techs can query all users and inform all users in one place/thread of any fixes/workarounds (support directs us here for that very purpose). It seems a much more efficient process for both user and support. It seems rather inefficient to not have a system in place where forum staff gather the necessary data pertaining to an issue, and add that to an internal bug management system. I'm not sure why you have the bug reporting forum section if the issue must ultimately be reported via the email support system (which makes the descriptions of this forum section somewhat misleading). Not sure how your system works internally, but in my experience, confirmed bug reports are taken from both support emails and forums by support staff and added internally to a bug management system (typically an internal website, since support staff are often off-site) where devs and support staff can communicate, where bugs are prioritized and scheduled, or a system where devs actually post on the forums as well (not likely when the developer isn't the publisher). I'm not trying to bust your buttons, but rather provide you with feedback regarding the support system, which you can take back to "the powers that be", if you feel so inclined.