Shouldnt EA have Air defenses?!


Approved user
May 11, 2015
I could be wrong but with industrial age coming up close, Shouldnt EA players have the air defense against Biplanes and such? I know for sure when Industrial age comes out there probably will be some hackers that jump straight to it and max out with planes and everything (even tho they said they have a better cheat detection, Itll happen) All EA bases are gonna get Shrekt by the planes..

basically EA bases are sitting ducks to planes, and thats a BAD idea to let sit.

Aussie guy

Approved user
Jan 29, 2015
It's hard to guess what the next age will mean for those of us with EA bases. It is a worrying thought to think of all those attacks from maxed out Industrial Age players. I predict quite a few maxed up Industrial Age bases, with Level 30 Generals and Zeppelins will appear within 24 hours of the release. A few weeks back when the game was hacked, I was attacked several times by Zeppelins and planes. Those things just flew straight over my walls, couldn't be touched and just took out my Town Centre in a few hits. You need air defenses to deal with them. Maybe the new release will be different? I guess we can only wait and see.


Approved user
May 11, 2015
@Aussie guy
Yeah im in EA also and was attacked by planes once or twice then i dropped medal count to avoid that lol, but now the Industrial age is closer, plane attacks will be a regular hit and we wont beable to do a thing about it, which will probably have even MORE people leaving them game. Why not release air defenses early for us all in EA age.

Aussie guy

Approved user
Jan 29, 2015
You're probably right. How BHG go about rolling out the Industrial Age will be crucial to the future of this game. Maybe low level air defences will be made cheaply available for EA bases? Maybe Zeppelins and planes can only be used on IA bases? I'm going to wait and see. If it's a bad experience, then I'm probably out of this game.


Apr 9, 2015
I think towers will shoot them, no worries. In fact, I think they'll be so weak people will hardly use them at the beginning. No worries here.

Aussie guy

Approved user
Jan 29, 2015
When players were using Zeppelins and planes a few weeks ago, defensive towers couldn't shoot them down. Hopefully when the proper Industrial Age is released, it will be different. I also noticed that Zeppelins and planes appeared to be a one-use troop...they did a couple of circles and then flew off and disappeared.


Apr 9, 2015
Yes, they'll have limited flights. I doubt they'll be OP considering how many troop space they use. I think their taks is to make walls some players were working for so hard almost useless. But the most of people will remain with raiders spam after certain trial.


Approved user
May 11, 2015
I thought they made a run, returned, then could go again. like a longer Ballista type attack?

Aussie guy

Approved user
Jan 29, 2015
The planes and Zeppelins that attacked me....circled, dropped bombs and then flew away. I'm pretty sure they are a limited one-use troop. It may of course be different when the legitimate Industrial Age is released....time will tell.
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Approved user
Mar 30, 2015
Lol i actually thought about that too, im hoping that Industrial age players wont be able to use planes against people under industrial age if the towers cant defend against air planes.
But i feel like that it wont happen and that Nexon will probably want players in EA to purchase crowns to upgrade to industrial age. I hope that it wont come to that.


Play Hard
Apr 12, 2015
I understand from a balance stand point why there should be some kind of defence against air attacks in the enlightenment age. With the new changes they will not be able to attack gunpowder. From the above posts from other players and the text from the armoury. I conclude that the planes and airships do indeed only attack a certain amount of times, however not 1 use. I like to think of them as reusable airstrikes. In real life however an army/nation without air defences would get obliterated. I think that a balance being that the airships can be targeted by the towers as they are slower and a bigger target but that the planes cant. Not sure exactly what it means by 1 bombing run because if its 1 attack at 1360 damange it isnt going to destroy a building. With defences doing 300dps they will have a difficulty taking out a airship depending on its speed with its 4400 hp. The planes at 166 damage and triple vs resource buildings arent going to be taking out a lot of buildings either. I guess we should just wait and see how it all works out. It might need rebalancing but I think its best to wait and see first.


Approved user
Apr 27, 2015
Given the unit space requirements, I'm not sure how much of a factor air units will be. A zeppelin uses 20 space and a biplane 15. Assuming most people will want to incorporate a few tanks (6 each) and a heavy tank (25) them I doubt there will be enough unit space to see cities destroyed from the air.


Play Hard
Apr 12, 2015
Some very good points as romans I am currently maxed at 132 population limit assuming an extra 15 available so 148 maximum for romans 135 for others a maximum of 6 zeppelin and 1 biplane for non romans and up to 7 zeppelin for romans. I dont think that with 1 bombing run each that they can detroy a base.


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
What i heard was zeppelins do one strafe run then return home. They can be deployed as many times as time allows until they get killed. So their good for precision strikes but u wont be destroying entire cities with air units because they dont have enough dps and their good for one battle then need replaced(they auto die at end of battle). So ull run out of oil using air units. The balance between oil usage availability. And the balance between air unit dps, hp vs defenses will determine how useful they are. Im not worried about it because if its not an air attack that kills my tc then it will be a 2 general, 4 merc , 4 tactics player who does it


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
Im really looking forward to industrial and alliance wars but they need to fix the AI asap