Solution to the problem where game permanently crashes on load!


Approved user
Dec 22, 2015
Dear Nexon and Big Huge Games,

After 12 days there's still no fix in sight for the problem many of us are having with crash on startup. So here's my proposed solution.

1. You must check the logs to see what level and age my village is. It's an almost maxed EA.
2. You must destroy that village.
3. I will create a new village.
4. I will supply you the ID of that village.
5. You will supply me with enough crowns to rebuild my village to the same level. It must be enough crowns for me to do a speed build. It must not take me more than 8 hours to do this, so it's a lot of crowns.

The advantage to you is that I can then start playing again, and buy more crowns when I need them. It won't cost you anything since it's time and money I've already spent. It will cost me 8 hours of my life, but I'll accept that.

So, how's that for a good solution to the problem? I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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Approved user
Sep 29, 2015
Are you sure they can´t help you? I mean just go thru all the standard procedure (straight words answer to their std lines) and when you get the security questions about your are almost least thats how I understood another post and changed my strategi from thinking to just give and do what I am asked and voila after security questions to establish it is my account I got the std that they dont have a fix yet but working on it and in the meantime the account was fixed...(manually probably) or I am seeing ghosts and it was all coincidences..but nahhh
For sure is that this issue has nothing to do with the device, or OS or performance on the player side is game server or db related and my qualified guess is it can be manually corrected


Approved user
Dec 22, 2015
Mine suddenly started working again after 12 days. I lost a bunch of loot to raiders. All builders free and no resources for them. But let me not complain. At least it loads again.


Approved user
Jun 4, 2016
Last night I saw new update ver 4.4 for ios.
I remove my old app this mrng and install the new 4.4, log in to game center, then I get my account back to load normally.

As expected, looted many times, resources depleted, workers are free.