Space Age on the Horizon!


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
You cant down the minimun level when it was a limitation to the actual cwa players.
it is seriously unfair for them. And they play for more 3 years.
The number of players in each Age must have a piramidal distribution. Only a small proportion of players Only a small group of players should be able to move to space age at the beginning, poblational logic.

its not unfair because they’ve been cwa for a long time now already.

if we have 10k space agers and 20k cwa, thats still pyramidial. if we lower the cwa bar then we can have even more cwa. if we set the space age bar to 280, and only 1k players reach it, thats not a pyramid thats a cusp. and also pointless for devs to prioritize. they better work on something that affects more people, and push space age back to next year.
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Approved user
Aug 22, 2018
Agree Yemen though 180 is too low. 195-200 is the best cap for Cold War.
For Space Age 235-240 is perfect.


Approved user
Feb 2, 2016
And a lot of if's left. We have these players who are so determined to upgrade AFTER they have finished their AA upgrades and/or some other useless stuff in our team. So the numbers are biased, based on the data the posts deliver me.
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Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
How about fixing the bugs like assult rally Level 4 before you do a new age upfupd and perhaps actually test it ... Since every update in the entire 4 years has made more issues


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
Sure they can do it. Nexon already did it with atomic - it was released with a higher level requirement before being reduced to 150 later, and that was a good call that got more players into the highest age so people could enjoy the new content.

Existing cwa players lose nothing if it happens, they still have their abvanced defenses. Plus now they can get better loot from easier bases that are suddenly cwa. No downside at all.

Not saying they will do it, nexon hasn't been impressing with their decisions lately. But your case against it is weak.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
its not unfair because they’ve been cwa for a long time now already.

if we have 10k space agers and 20k cwa, thats still pyramidial. if we lower the cwa bar then we can have even more cwa. if we set the space age bar to 280, and only 1k players reach it, thats not a pyramid thats a cusp. and also pointless for devs to prioritize. they better work on something that affects more people, and push space age back to next year.
Well, let's trust that Nexon chooses a level that allows an adequate pool of players, but also gives a large portion something to aim for. The level should be aimed at the cusp, but still incentivise a generous pool of players just below that cusp.
Those CW players almost there should, ideally, move up within a relatively short time.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
according to the chart in xabar’s post, 245 would be close to what you describe. above 250, player numbers decrease sharply. below 240, player numbers increase slowly.


Approved user
Aug 26, 2015
yes i agree with Yemen. and xabar you might have started playing late you didn't knew about the change of atomic age requirement.


Approved user
Aug 26, 2015
it is up to a player to be offensive or defensive. restricting to make a equilibrium of levels is not good for the game. making higher requirement gets you less pool of players playing the game. having less entry level makes more people to play and increase the number of players. which will benefit everyone. even higher level players will love to take down a rushed base. you will have more balanced teams in world wars with attacking and defensive players.


Approved user
Aug 26, 2015
how will nexon earn money from new release if only 1314 people are going to use it. don't say others will try to upgrade fast. because if a player has to increase 10 or less levels he will invest some cash out of anxiety but if he has to increase 30 plus levels he will loose interest to spend and rather wait on events of nexon


Approved user
Jan 23, 2019
And not release a bunch of new content for less than 2000 players at 280, or less than 6000 players at 260. The smaller the player pool, the worse the game.

The reality is that those 6000 players are probably financing 90% of this game so Nexon does not really care about what the rest want. The top level players will crown space age as soon as it comes out. If people don't meet the minimum level, they can always crown to reach that level. So I don't think Nexon will just lower the minimum requirement to satisfy the most people, they will decide based on the best way to bring more income.

Additionally, it's no guarantee that the numbers shown means the accounts are active. The most active accounts are likely to be those 6000 players only. So they'll focus on those 6000 players and not on those level 200 players that are mostly abandoned bases.

The funny part is that most people commenting on this forum (me included) are mostly non-paying players so those discussions are completely biased.


Approved user
Dec 9, 2017
Guys. The minimun level to move to CWA (220) was a request of the top players that pay. Nexon have never down the minimal level.


Approved user
Dec 9, 2017
Being a defensive or ofensive player. Is defined for the wonders that have, the nation, the investigation in which make focus in the university, and the coalitions that use.
A higher level love take down a good base, the rushed ones are a joke, that make they think that loose time upgrading.


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
Non whales - which I believe is most of the players, even in the CWA pool - can't really be "incentivized" to move up. It takes whale level spending to substantially increase your level at these points. We are talking about $15 in crowns per upgrade, of which it can take 6 or so to move up one level. $100 per level up is steep spending, and if we are talking about 10 levels that is $1000 - I would guess most who are willing to do that already did right after CWA was released.

The last time I think this game had a healthy size player base was before CWA was released, when a rusher could get to atomic in a year with no spending. I remember lots of matchmaking complaining back then too, but it was all about sandbags changing average. Now getting a matchup where the averages match is rare.


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
You can decide to ignore this, but as I pointed out on your previous post. They moved the minimum level for atomic after it's release. They have done this before, and can choose to do it again.


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
Xabar There are two separate problems here - one is the level to get to space age, which needs to be set appropriately to get a good large player base up to it. The other is how long it takes to get to whatever that level is.

Your own spreadsheet shows 81k players over 200 - and I checked, where you got the information, it looks like about 70k of those have been in an active alliance this month. To get good war matches and a wide player base, I would say the game needs 4-5 times that number in cold war alone. I can only think of two ways of doing that - lowering level requirements, or drastically shortening all upgrades up to atomic age so players can get to maxed atomic defenses in a short time. Some combination of the two would be my preference.

I actually think revenue for Nexon would go up dramatically if they did that, with a growing playerbase. The current design of an ever longer path to even be in the higher ages makes for a perpetual shrinking playerbase.

If they don't make changes, what's the point of being a whale by yourself? Or up there with only other whales and cheaters to give you a fight? How many players are going to spend when 2 of the top 10 alliances on the leaderboard are well known cheaters, and the odds of a strong alliance meeting them are high (since there are so few big heavy alliances now)? Even a few cheaters isn't that big of a deal when there is a huge playerbase, they are just noise. But right now there isn't a healthy community size.


Approved user
Dec 9, 2017
jagadeeshgarapati. Nexon win money because these 1314 or 2675 are who probably pay the game.
And this is not the point. the point is if minimun level to move to the space age is 250 or lower the equilibrium of number players in each Age is ruined.


Approved user
Dec 9, 2017
yemen. The minimum level for atomic was a mistake recognized by the developers, thats why the limit for the CWA is at 220.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
Xabar The current design of an ever longer path to even be in the higher ages makes for a perpetual shrinking playerbase.

If only could Nexon understand how right you are with this remark...

probably the best sentence I've read in this thread