Why are some alliances sending out spy's as visitors?

Player Killer

Approved user
Aug 15, 2016
Don't understand, what is there to spy? Unless you hiding a nuclear missile somewhere in your base. I visit, donate, participate in war, chat with people and leave. If they are chatty I stay a bit longer. :)
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Approved user
Jul 7, 2016
We've now locked our doors. Only invites allowed.

Good move, we've done the same just after glory went live. Once we hit the leader boards we were getting near floods of requests.

As for the spying, lol words that float across the chat window are put together to form sentences and those have meanings which in turn get sent back to alliance leaders to get an advantage in a war match up. It also can be done to use the account to foul up some attacks during war. Many different ways a "spy" can hurt your alliance.

Ya see, people want to be #1, there are some that will try to tear down their competitors cause they can't win without using spy strategy ;-]


Approved user
Sep 5, 2015
Simple their alliances suck and they cant figure out why, 99.9% its leaders who think they know everything forget its a team effort.

Another is too figure out your war strategies along with no other reason but too join disrupt alliances.

They wait until you load them in wars then attack out order, take easier targets screw lower players from having a chance get 5.

Most time the attacking lower plyrs not working with strategy doesnt work alot, if alliance has strong top and mid corp of attackers.

Spys wouldnt need to be sent out if alliances would stop having leaders playing God, realize the way their loading matches falls on them.

Their is no special secret too being in top 20, its consistency too working from same plan. Communicate and work as a team if plyrs dont follow plan make room for plyrs who will.