xp proportional to workers/time?


Approved user
Jul 12, 2017
are xp-gains from all sources proportional to workers/time, or are some more efficient?
i'm level 212, and with tinsoldier's statement that there is an imminent 'summer for the ages' i am motivated to get to 220 to take advantage of an instant-TC-upgrade deal.

i don't watch level so don't have an intuitive sense of if this is possible; but if so are different projects more xp-efficient?
are they all normalized to workers/time? perhaps the higher-level buildings are more efficient than lower.
right now i'm doing landmines, since i've decided i like them.

upgrading my oil well L1-2 is ~500xp, while L2-3 is ~2000 for twice the time ... is there a general theme that higher upgrades are more xp-efficient?
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Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
If you divide the XP gained by the number of workers and again by the number of days to upgrade, the higher the number the more efficient to get to 220. I maintained an entire list but I don’t have it anymore. As I recall, traps and farms/caravans were most efficient.


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
The general rule is that lower level buildings are more XP/worker-day. The low level oil is one of several exceptions.

Roads up to industrial are the ultimate boost - they are worth an astronomical amount of XP/day, something like 100 times anything else. Global and above are in line with other buildings. The amount provided is the amount shown times the number of road segments, so if you have any roads you haven't built yet, placing those will give you a big instant boost.

Farms and caravans, especially low level ones, are worth a relatively large amount - over 200XP/worker-day up to level 14 or so. Not worth touching once they take 4 workers though. Most higher level defensive upgrades are 100Xp/worker-day or so, for comparison. Traps are also relatively efficient - most of the upgrades are 200xp/worker-day or better. The amount per trap is slightly lower, but made up for since it is only one worker.

Any upgrades of buildings that are lower than industrial age will be fairly efficient on an XP/time basis. Upgrading them to the industrial age level is where the payoff starts dropping.

Also, the shorter library researches are far more XP/day than the longer ones. Go back and finish up all the older books for XP if you haven't yet. Generals at the armory can also help gain XP without requiring workers, and at a better rate than most other armory upgrade options.