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  1. M

    Are the British Black Watch any good?

    I don't play the brits myself, but black watch are undoubtly one of the best units in the game.
  2. M

    Defensive War Troops

    Cannons are the best by far and away.
  3. M

    EXPLOIT - How Cheaters Stay on High Medals.

    Yes, that's how they stay at the top - abusing the Eiffel Tower switchover. Otherwise a score of more of 4.000 medals is impossible unless you share your account with several persons so that one can always play. I don't envy those players, though. It's so lame to find one opponent per hour if...
  4. M

    Copy War Base Layout

    Yes, it's annoying but you can adapt. Just always start with the town layout even if you want to design your war base.
  5. M

    Teutonic Fury feature of the Germans

    Thx, I thought as much.
  6. M

    Teutonic Fury feature of the Germans

    Does this German bonus feature apply to battles in world war?
  7. M

    Versailles vs Angkor Wat

    Interesting! Learning never stops :-)
  8. M

    Colosseum vs Forbidden City

    Strength of gladiator does not double but tripple the damage for 12 seconds. I consider it one of the best tactics in WW. With it you can take out two defending level 30 generals in a few seconds. Artillery/Cannons under the strength of gladiator will take out all surrounding buildings in no...
  9. M

    Versailles vs Angkor Wat

    I believe the HP bonus of Versailles applies to barrack troops on attack only. But Versailles has one big advantage over Angkor Wat. The 40% slowdown of troops on defense is still in effect after destruction wheras Angkor Wat stops healing after destruction. So, If you go for Angkor Wat make...
  10. M

    Air defence upgrading

    Same post at the same time. Nice!
  11. M

    Upgrading during wars,

    defending buildings are active (tower), attacking buildings are not (barracks). That's why it's a good idea to pause world war if you have one of the following buildings in upgrade: - war academy (no tactics in WW is ugly) - mercenary camp - air base
  12. M

    Air defence upgrading

    there is a game bug that shows air defense of opponents in upgrade (when in fact they are not) whenever you have an air defense on upgrade in your own base. This is an old bug that was once fixed and reappeared again.
  13. M

    2nd general on defence in WW.

    Currently, a war base shows only one general, although in fact 2 generals will spawn. That's a game bug that is hopefully dealt with soon.
  14. M

    Air defense

    Usually the air defense will not take down a plane in one sortie, not even in two, but sometimes the plane flies pirouettes around an air-defense, whatever the reason...
  15. M

    Fix Cannons already

    Completely agree with Cielmers! Without artillery on defense an attack in world war would be a walk in the park. It adds to tactical combat considerably. And yes, there are many ways to deal with them.
  16. M

    World War unofficial leaderboard

    No Title Kaiserreich is winning big again. Score 7:0
  17. M

    Is it possible to take out a Castle before it is able to deploy its General?

    I use sabotage + zeppelin on castles. It works :-)
  18. M

    Getting rekted

    I like the splash damage, too. It adds a tactical element to combat, especially in world war. First thing to consider is what strategy might help to get rid of those pesky cannons in the town center. That divides good players from the other ones.
  19. M

    Update Notes: v3.5.x is available!

    If they really fixed the chat and replays that would be like the greatest update so far!
  20. M

    How I rate Dominations and would I recommend it.

    You made my day :-)