Decoy nerf that isn't just raising their tactic space.


Approved user
Dec 29, 2016
I agree, Defense is OP but decoy shouldn't be the only tactics you can really use. Maybe I should have made a buff everything else instead of nerf decoy thread but I don't like decoy being the only thing people use. It's kinda lame. Also, remember that defense being OP you really mean 250+ bases are OP and that really makes up about like 10 to 15% of players if even that.

I just think it setting off traps makes traps kinda suck in some cases and the ability to use 7 to 8 decoys makes all bases except the upper tier ones laughably easy.


Approved user
Jan 25, 2016
Just because the other tactics are weak, I disagree that decoy should be made weak too. The ideal way forward would be to make the other tactics more useful. Nerfing decoy is not the way to go.

It's not difficult to make the other tactics viable. There's a lazy way to do it: just switch back sabotage, betrayal, and protect back to one tactic slot, and they would be used a lot more. It's as lazy as the way they just made them take up two tactic slots.

By calling it a silver lining, I mean it is a small piece of food they've thrown the way of the offense minded players. I mean, for someone who's starving, for whom the repeated buffs to defenses present a dark and gloomy scene, a small piece of food thrown his way is a silver lining. Doesn't equate to a feast thrown for him, on which he's thriving too much, and it's alright to take it away from him.

Hard to cover a base with decoys and remove all traps, especially if one intends to handle the town center troops (thanks Nexon, for increasing the range), stronghold troops, mortar fire, distract swarms of defenders, and everything else. Add the complexity of cleverly placed anti-tank guns, it isn't enough. So, yes, if the anti-tank guns are not placed strategically to complicate the placement of decoys, that's lazy base design. And, yes, good placement of decoys by identifying weaknesses, trading off the handling of traps versus town center troops versus stronghold troops versus other defending troops requires careful strategizing and skill. A bunch of armored cars and/or elephant archers chew through decoys rather quickly. I've seen umpteen number of attacks that just mindlessly throw decoys around going south pretty quickly.
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Approved user
Oct 17, 2016
You keep saying that decoys take away traps but they don’t they only trigger them. They don’t kill the soldiers, the barbed wire still has its slowing and damage effect, the decoy traps is only thing it could potentially take away if troops are far enough away, and the spike trap damages the decoy. So when you say it removes them your incorrect in your statement. You say you’ve played the game since the beginning and don’t realize that. The only tactic that deems two space is sabotage especially now that silo has nerfed the protect. Just take everything back to 1 except sabotage then the balance would be better. Still think you wouldn’t see very much protect used except in raids. Extend the time on sabotage a few more seconds and all would be well


Approved user
Nov 27, 2016
If they do raise the decoy space to 2 I guarantee you Seraph that you and others thinking like you will be first ones posting here raising hell that the tactic space was raised to 2.

Decoys are not OP and are easily countered with mines and well placed ATGs.

smh some people are never happy.


Approved user
Sep 20, 2017
It doesn’t take them away but setting them off pretty much takes it out. But that’s ok cause it is a decoy troop. I don’t like that you can put it on top of buildings.


Approved user
Dec 29, 2016
Triggering them effectively takes them out of the equation. Don't be one of those semantic boys. It's not cute.


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
Mcnasty if you couldn't place them on top of buildings, or at least having a number of the infantry overlapping with buildings, it would be relatively simple to design a base where the decoys were unplaceable. They can still be attacked and destroyed by troops when they are on top of a building, so it isn't that big of a deal.


Approved user
Dec 29, 2016
I like how people focus on one point I made. I said OR make it so it doesn't set off traps anymore. Either or...


Approved user
Nov 27, 2016
Seraph I like how you completely ignore the clearly obvious thing about decoys as others have mentioned. Decoys do not consume traps except for mines. Barbs, ambushes still have their power.

Flares and decoy traps arent even triggered by offensive decoy.


Approved user
Dec 29, 2016
Your statement is wrong. Decoys set off barbwire, decoy, claymore, ambush traps and landmines. Issue a friendly challenge in your alliance, use decoy against your base in the places with the aforementioned traps and see what happens.


Approved user
Feb 26, 2017
Decoy is the only useful tactic. I bring 7 Decoys to ww attacks. This is the only solution to counter overpowered defense. SH full of EA or AC can't be hold back without Decoys. The other tactics need a serious buff in order to be usable in tough battles.


Approved user
Nov 27, 2016
Seraph my statement is correct as are the others. the effects of wire and ambush traps are still present after a decoy activates them. as for mines/claymores if you read i noted that as the exception...oops i forgot you're unable to read....


Approved user
Dec 29, 2016
You are the one who does not know how to read sir and who also has to result to insults like a child. The title says a way to nerf decoy without raising troop space then you bring up people raising hell over the tactic space raised to two. That was never the point of this post nor was it an option. But instead you come here with your E peen out ready for an argument.

If you use decoy to set off barb wire and your troops aren't near the set off trap then they won't suffer the effect of the barb wire effectively wasting the trap. I'll give you ambush traps. The troops are still around but them being set off early can then lead them to be lured out and properly dealt with rather than them popping up and killing roaming Howitzers thus weakening their effectiveness.

It DOES set off decoy traps and if you set one off and hit a decoy trap then you can again, weaken it's usefulness by trying to avoid he area to avoid the effect and or you may set it off far before you reach it and it'll go away. Decoy traps don't last nearly as long as the spell. Would you like to have a civil conversation or just keep acting like a child? Thank you and have a nice day sir.


Approved user
Nov 27, 2016
Seraph um you have no idea about the residual effects of traps. again you need to read nit only my comments but what others have said. The effects of barbed wire REMAIN even after it is tripped. The soldiers from ambush traps REMAIN after it is tripped.

It is you who is whining and moaning about decoys being "OP". It is types just like you that beg for offensive boost. And when it is given you come right back whining and complaining it's OP.

Your type turns this game into a massive headache for developers. You are never happy....when you are beging flattened you complain offense is OP. And when you cant win battle you whine offense needs a boost and defense is OP.

But to your original is flat out ridiculous to call decoy OP and needs nerfed to 2 space. And again to my original reply...YOU will be right back here complaining when it happens.

Sucks to have a pi$$ poor base design that cant kill off decoys thrown at it. My base has no problems doing it. You might want to stop crying about stuff and actually work at getting better in the game...

Your replies to others here show you admit you are mistaken and have gone about it the wrong way. And you come on here asking what others think. Too bad you throw a tantrum when others do tell you what they think. You asked for it so suck it up buttercup.

Off you go now...think you spilled your binky of milk on the way in here.
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Approved user
Dec 29, 2016
I never say to upgrade the tactic space. The title literally says that IS NOT MAKING TACTIC SPACE 2. Obviously you want to pick a fight and this is the last time I will reply to you. You obviously have some problems and I wish you the best of luck in life. If you need a friend to talk about what makes you so negative I can be there. Message me, your friend Seraph. BTW my base is rarely 5 starred.

I have admitted my mistakes. I even agreed with some people and said that can also work and complimented ppl on interesting ideas. I am generally happy with the game. I love the game so much that I've played it for 3 yrs and rarely say anything negative about it. The game is one of the best strategy games out there for mobile. I asked what ppl think and let's have a chat. I didn't say they must do this or that I'll be unhappy if they do. Just trying to engage with the community.

But people like you who just are toxic for no reason is what ruins communities. I didn't tag any nexon ppl. I didn't make any threats. I just would like more than just one or two tactics to be useful and I've stated this multiple times. Where did I throw a tantrum? Only person I've responded negatively for is you because you were a jerk in your responses. I should have not responded to negativity with negativity and I'll admit that.

But like I said, if you want to talk and have a meaningful conversation I'm here, if you don't you will not be hearing from me again sir. Have a wonderful day.