Ideas to make the game more fun : Removing the cost to build army


Approved user
Dec 29, 2015
Hey there

I am now in the global age and I found that it costs me roughly 130k food to build my army, and about 50 minutes.
This is a huge turnoff as I only raid about 250~400k food on average per battle. This does several things:

- discourage donating troops
- makes the player play less (due to the long waits)
- a primitive civ is more efficient in raiding then an advanced one

I feel that removing the cost to building an army will make the game much more enjoyable and encourage donations.

"if we remove the cost to building an army, then players will be reckless in throwing their armies away"
- they still need to invest time into playing and waiting for the rebuild. Making troops free of "food" cost does not make it free.

I suggest that Nexon could do an event where costs for building armies is reduced to zero and have that run for a week and see the feedback,


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
Yikes - 130k to rebuild your army - everytime??! Is there something about your army or battles that's causing you to lose that many troops? Or are you referring to game crashes where you lose your complete army?

Unless it's a crash or a failed attack you should be returning with roughly half your army in global. Of course, I don't know what medal range you're in but when my global boys were around 2600 I rarely had to train more than half my army - and the times I lost a huge chunk of my army was only when I attacked bases that were very hard but had a super huge amount of resources. (400k+)

Tony awesome

Approved user
Jul 15, 2016
I agree with it just experiment for a few weeks on it my tribe wants to donate tanks but the cost of it is too much wthe profit is really downfall as u get higher in ages


Approved user
Apr 25, 2015
I don't think this will happen and personally do not feel it is an issue because food is so overly abundant...especially in later ages when armies cost more.


Approved user
May 28, 2015
Not reduce it to zero but cost little less, Specially tactics. For me now I'm at gunpowder age. I usually raid 150k - 200k. Tactics alone cost 42k, Like 1/3 - 1/4. Plus they need like 2 hours to be built again. That's very long time and limits attacks per day. If I lose my full army. It takes like 50mins to rebuild it.
I think like 50% of tactics food and built tactics will do fine now.
Why this huge food cost drop. Because we need a lot of it. Most of upgrades and researches relay on food.

Eddie F1

Approved user
Aug 6, 2015
I'm sure Nexon would prefer you to visit the Treasury section of your Store to fix the food required and/or use crowns to speed up army/tactic rebuilds. An odd strategy considering 99% of players downloading and starting this game have already quit and 99% of the remaining 1% have discovered the virtue of patience - just go do something else for a couple of hours, like drink beer, and your army/tactics will be ready. This game now takes 6 years to complete so what's the hurry?