Must have upgrade!


Approved user
Apr 28, 2016
Suggestion: A recruit request button that opens a screen from the chat that looks similar to the train troops button. This would allow the option for specific recruiting requests and also the option for "any troops," request. The way it would work is similar to the current system. It would show the current amount of alliance troop space available and as you requested,then the screen for specific requests would allow for example (a heavy tank) or ( battle tank). Once you have clicked on the corresponding troop the available troop request goes down and the remaining troop request could be filled with an " any button" If the troop request is not filled within a certain time period you could cancel the request and continue with a " any troop request" This would solve multiple issues in the gameplay. 1st it would allow the player to be more strategic in their attack strategy and 2- disallowing the incorrect troop request to be sent.
Through the years either by accident or intentionally alliance members have donated the wrong troops messing up many attack strategies. This would solve that problem with one button/ screen. Thank you