Profit 101 - Growing the player base


Approved user
Dec 29, 2015
Dominations is a great game, and its been out close to two years now. Like all great games, the player base diminishes and new blood must be recruited to keep the game the player base it deserves.

The following ideas are my attempt at attracting new players to the game (with reference taken from successful games like WoW)
  • Refer a buddy system - For a limited time, refer a buddy and if they reach a certain benchmark within a given time, both players get crowns (500?) as a reward.
  • With every major age update which introduces a new age, the build time for players in lower age (2 ages under the current max age) shall be decreased dramatically(50%?) to make new players experience progression if they put in the effort. This is thematic as less advanced civilizations can learn from more advanced civilizations hence reducing their build time.
  • Advertisements.

Feel free to add any other ideas. Let's hope Dominations get the attention it deserves.


Approved user
May 26, 2016
Their pride is too thick for them to take in account anything that doesn't give them quick $. They've destroyed the game for so long that all they do is go for whatever $ they can get before more ppl quit. Sad, but true. I would love to c this game thrive, but it won't happen with the leadership in charge now.

I support your post and suggestions (I am sure there's been plenty more) but can't c it happening. They act like they pay for the crowns they give out. lol