Victory chest only offering 1 NTG after update, even with library research


Approved user
Aug 29, 2015

I'm in Kingdom 2 league, same as I was before the 5.8 update. Ever since the week before the update when you started messing with the servers, my victory chest has only offered me 1 NTG. Before the update, and still in the same league, I was offered 3-4 NTG per victory chest. I also have researched Spoils of War chapter 3, which says "+1 Victory Chest trade good rewards". So I should be getting a minimum of 2 NTG, but that's not the case.

I contacted CS, but they insulted my intelligence. They said they looked in my account and see no record of me ever opening a victory chest...what??? They also say that Spoils of War chapter 3 does not apply to NTG, just regular trade goods, and for me to note the difference in the future. Well, for one, it applied before the update, and Shipping chapter 2 research says "+1 Expedition trade good rewards", and it demonstrably gives an extra NTG on expeditions with NTGs. Same exact wording.

Please acknowledge that this is a BUG that came from messing around with the server settings pre-5.8. I used to get 3 or 4 NTG offers and now it's only 1 every time. The library research should also apply, but it doesn't. Please report this to the team and educate CS. Thanks.