Estate Feedback Thread (Merged)


Approved user
Jun 14, 2016
Well I did think about making a break with Dominations thanks to this new money squeezing update.

I did even find a game in App Store that I'd be interested playing .

Oz- the Broken Kingdom is it's name , but seeing as it is Nexon's game , and already has word Broken in title I think I'll search for something other than OZ


Approved user
May 2, 2015
It pisses me off to think that you've been offered the house / estate for $50. But I am offered it for $70?!?

Its bAd enough it's being charged. But worse that I am being asked to pay $20 more.


Approved user
Jul 13, 2016
Although I agree that the estate should be purchasable using crowns (15000 crowns?), I honestly couldn't care less about the estate. If somebody wants to spend $50 to advance faster, sure good for them,but it doesn't change my raiding or war match up. I still meet bases of my level and they get bases of their level.

Eddie F1

Approved user
Aug 6, 2015
If you're grumbling about the cost of the Estate, there is still along way to go in this game. Already the Tank Depot needs 6 workers, University and Expeditions, those extra 3 workers aren't going to alleviate the worker bottleneck - it's called an Estate so they can sell more workers. If you buy this, you'll have to buy the next thing put in the Store for cash. Some Atomic Age upgrades will probably need 8 workers.

The last Designer Spotlight showed where their interests lay and now been fobbed off with a memo about sandbagging & WW - basically it seems they aren't in any hurry to fix it, just get us to be quiet. There's always been a theme of the day around the forums, 1/39 medal system, no opponent found, this estate house - nothing ever was fixed or changed, just more updates and more bugs.

I'm just going to fool around with my Gunpowder base, it's nearly maxed out and I'm not advancing to EA, it's my own end-game. No Starter Pack or extra workers needed and attacking is just as much fun (more so actually because my GP army doesn't get smashed to pieces for no apparent reason which happens too often with my Global account but that probably serves me right for messing around at 3000 medals).


Approved user
Jun 14, 2016
Although I agree that the estate should be purchasable using crowns (15000 crowns?), I honestly couldn't care less about the estate. If somebody wants to spend $50 to advance faster, sure good for them,but it doesn't change my raiding or war match up. I still meet bases of my level and they get bases of their level.

Yeah, sure you'll meet bases of your lvl at raids - with much tougher defenses that is - purchasing Estate means you can work on each Uni research tree , and still have enough workers for another upgrade.

Each defensive research at Uni gives 3% of dps or hp.

Beeing GPA and doing mortar upgrades till lvl 5 you have dps of IA mortar without Uni upgrades.

In the long run ot does affect your looting ability , because Uni upgrades don't give you exp which means that someone at your lvl who could manage to do more Uni upgrades than you will have same lvl as you with insane defensive capabilities which will make you unable to do even 15% of destruction not mentioning gaining resources.

Second thing we got with this update is Sniper Tower - well guess what , that means that your healing carts will die right at the beginning of battle , and you are left without them struggling to loot from at least one Mill/Market beeing shot at from insanely strong defenses , or geting killed by insanely strong defenders .

And please don't anyone comment that it was the same thing with starter packs , that some ppl bought them with real money to advance faster , and the issue we have now is the same, because it really ain't.

If you have bought Starter Packs it only ment that you get houses faster, not that you get aditional house and in the long run everyone could buy same houses that come from Starter Packs , but at later Ages.

It is not the same this time.
This time you either buy with real money , or can dream about having more workers.

In case of Starter Pack you could choose - pay , or wait till you can build houses with resources. In case of Estate it's like Nexon telling you - pay , or GFY.


Approved user
May 19, 2016
I had been seriously considering buying the starter pack II because of the worker shortage but this new update killed that idea. I will not provide any money for a pay-to-win game.

Eddie F1

Approved user
Aug 6, 2015
I remember the complaints when Industrial Age came out about a year ago and we found out then that the Starter Pack house wasn't extra as advertised, it was only getting it early. We should have learned back then after getting our fingers burnt by Nexon.


Approved user
Apr 23, 2016
My android industrial $65 but my ipad gp is $80 - go figure?


Approved user
Aug 19, 2016
It's always been pay to win. The estate and the ever increasing shortage of workers is making it pay to play. You need to keep workers free gain trade goods for Mercs, you need to keep workers clear to Exploration. If you haven't brought the starter packs or estate, you're going to struggle to upgrade anything,


Approved user
Sep 6, 2016
I had been thinking the same, I was tinkering to buy SP 2 for 2 workers as well as 2000 crowns that might have been a head start for the Estate (I had hoped it would cost around 3000 crowns). Forget that, unless there will be some serious discounts, I am not supporting this P2W model.

Motaz Tarek

Approved user
Apr 19, 2015
Eddie F1 it was intended to be an extra house till they decided to make it an earlier to get house
Why they did that? Simply so they can add a starter pack every single age not only once, so when atom age is released everyone gets the starter pack 2 house for gold and a new pack 3 which will probably cost 40$ (since first house was 10$ n the second is 20$)

Motaz Tarek

Approved user
Apr 19, 2015
I expect an atomic age wonder requiring 10-12 workers for 2 weeks each stage for 10 stages lol

Michele Nx

Approved user
Jun 9, 2016
I'm really disappointed. I'm posting here because Nb4powerup plans to let the product team know our feedback about the Estate's pricing.

I read the update notes a few days ago and fully intended to buy the Estate as soon as it became available, assuming it would have a reasonable price. I am willing to pay for the game -- I enjoy it, spend time on it, and want the company to continue to improve it. I've bought both starter packs -- on both of my accounts. I haven't bought additional crowns yet (although I'm not opposed).

If the Estate was $20, I would have bought it today. Even if it was 6500 crowns, the equivalent of $50, I may well have bought the crowns to buy the Estate immediately. The difference between that and $50 cash? The price is much too high for a building that is only available to those of us who can pay cash. Couldn't I do the math and figure out how many days of speedups that number of crowns would buy me and compare it to the benefit of three permanent workers? Sure. But I prefer to avoid pay-to-win games. I really hope that DomiNations isn't going down that path.


Approved user
Aug 19, 2016
That's the thing isn't it? At least with the Starter Packs you also got crowns, so in some respects you could argue they are reasonable value. With the Estate, you're paying several times more, yet you're not getting any crowns. We're already having to put up with constant units/ tactics on sale almost every day and now this?


Approved user
Sep 19, 2016
To be honest the sniper tower is welcomed by me. The game was so offense leaning since coalitions. The sniper tower may actually help gain defenses again and limit being 5 starred by someone 30 levels brlow you.


Approved user
Jan 5, 2016
Looks like they have used differential pricing for the estate. It costs "less" if you have progressed further - global age price is around $50 while it is bit more expensive in earlier ages. May be the rationale is, by buying earlier you can put them to more use.


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
I am a long-time gamer. I take my fun seriously. I have taught my daughters that it's worth paying real money for games that are made with love and care and designed from the ground up to entertain and delight you. By the same token, I have told them that it's not worth wasting time and money on freemium Skinner boxes that are designed to frustrate and annoy you into "monetization".

Spending time and money on this game blatantly goes against these principles. The hypocrisy bothers my older daughter, who has been saying "you shouldn't play that stupid game, Dad." I know she's right, but I've been like the frog in the pan of water in the old story. See, as long as you increase the temperature of the water very gradually, the frog never notices that things are heating up and happily boils to death.

This is why I'm grateful for the Estate. I mean that sincerely. By jacking up the temperature in the pan so quickly, you have finally moved me to hop out. Instead of spending my time on something that will give me bad posture and carpal tunnel syndrome, I will spend it working out at the gym and becoming stronger and healthier. Or reading books. Or doing something else productive. My daughter will respect me for it.

I'm not going to ask Apple to refund the $20 I spent on that starter pack. I played for a year and got that much worth of entertainment out of this game. But you won't get any more money from me.

I'm going to log in one last time to hand off leadership of my alliance. Then I'll delete the app, unfollow DomiNations on Twitter, and get rid of my bookmarks to this forum and other DomiNations sites.

Bye, everybody! See you at the gym!

First of all I'd like to say so long and many blessings to you Magnifico We will miss you and your insightful posts. What you wrote really hit home for me. I've been trying to put the game down and get out more, ride my bike, call my mother, have coffee with my daughter, play PokemonGo with my hubby. As I've said before, if it weren't for the many friends I have In my alliance and on this forum I would have deleted the app long ago. While the game itself is fun to play I often question why considering all the frustrations it causes. The slap in the face with last month's "Q&A" post and subsequent WW/Matchmaking post by the powers that be have turned up the heat under my pot making me want to jump out. It's just that I'd miss the people too much. With that said, interestingly enough, the Estate doesn't bother me. I haven't had one before, I suppose I can live without it even with the need for more workers. I'm thinking it's just like the starter pack and an estate will be made available to earn with gold or food come Atomic Age. Then people will be up in arms because they paid for it and others are getting it for free like with the starters. I've sent my GP workers on 2 expeditions and its underwhelming to say the least. Tying 2 workers up for 1.5 hours for 1k food and one leather? Really? I can get that from shooting a deer. On the 2nd trip it was 4 workers for an army of raiders and 1 cider. You don't even get to see them go off in a boat... What's with that? So my Global players will just have to stay homebodies... No vacations for them! There's no law that says you have to do everything in the game so the Estate will,have to wait. And after playing for a year and half I know if it needs to get done I'll eventually do it, in my own time. Meantime I think there's a party in the ten bar club... Gotta go!


Approved user
Jun 13, 2016
For me I don't mind spending $50USD. Actually I have already. There were so many things which I used to spend my money on like $500-$1000 at the club b4 my sobriety. So now I don't mind having these guilty pleasures. I understand everyone's perspective on this hot bed issue but not all rich kids or cheaters are the only ones buying this. I'm just a regular dude and it fits my budget so yeah I got it as DM is the only game I play and FYI, I go to gym everyday.