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    Alliance War Gone Missing!

    Has anyone had the unfortunate luck to have their war disappear when the war starts? Maybe I'm just unlucky with World Wars thus far as much as the bugs are concerned. Stay Dominating!
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    Air units... Distract those towers!

    I've been messing around with air units for the last three weeks or so, and noticed that sometimes defenses seem to attack them even when there are tanks about. Situation 1 - Tank goes in on a tower, and all seems well, so I deploy the zeppelin to hit a nearby mortar. Next thing I know the...
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    Shock infantry Vs. Tank defenders

    Does anyone know if the health of defending tanks is similar to that of an attack tank? If so, does the shock infantry do sufficient damage to them? I know that the bonus to tank health might have inspired the anti tank gun to receive a large bonus in damage in comparison to other upgrades, but...
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    When you are lost or don't know the way, seek the help of the elders.

    When does a game that takes elements from another game draw the line to stop being like the forerunners and start really pushing towards a individual identity in terms of art design and game design. We have the art design thing down pat, and there are plenty of things that are unique about...
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    Feel Good Inc.

    For those of you who are rolling British, what are your main problems when using Black Watch armies? What can ruin a five star attempt on a base you are attacking? I've had most British players simply run out of time, but they smash through virtually everything including two heavy tanks on...
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    Is the Statue of Liberty even worth it?!

    Many have been disappointed with wonders. The most notorious for me personally was the Temple of Tikal and the Pyramids. I really can't understand these wonders at all. The Pyramids should really just affect all farms instead of promoting less serious players to sacrifice base layout space. As...
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    Alliance troop request.

    On my android, I usually seem to crash every time I request troops. I've had it happen on the ios, but not as frequently.
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    Has anyone noticed...

    If troop AI is influenced to move along roads on attack? I've noticed some units making special efforts to jump onto the road while pushing in on bases. Does anyone know for sure? Leave some thoughts and knowledge below! Stay dominating!
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    Library research concerning speed of forest defenders.

    It would be nice if we had some kind of speed boost for the forest defenders to get them into combat faster. They're usually useless on most of my defense replays, but if they were a little early to the fight, a little distraction would always be useful. The other problem is that their...
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    Generals of a different sort.

    What if you could use generals of a different sort? What about a spy general that works similar to the commando, but has a special ability? Example ability: coup d'état - Causes a single building to take massive damage and fire against defenders instead for 10 seconds. This general would...
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    Air Raid siren and deployed alliance defenders notification!

    How about an air raid siren when an attacker deploys air units against Industrial age bases and above? This would add a nice ambiance to attacking and make it seem much more fierce in my opinion! They are pretty critical in battle, and it would really beefs up the intensity when using them on...
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    Heavy Tank Splash Damage on Defense!

    Regarding the heavy tank, does it apply splash damage when on defense? Should it? Leave your thoughts and knowledge below! Stay dominating!
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    All for One and One for All

    How does everyone feel about there being (at max) 3 air defenses that go for one zeppelin or (at max) three biplanes? At this point in the game, a Enlightenment Age tower is capable of destroying a zeppelin if ignored, a fort is death, and air defense are the great terminator. I think it's a...
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    Design Spotlight: Grand Moff Tarkin's Offensive Overhaul.

    So, we're here today to talk about some small things that could be implemented (I spell this word wrong far too much) into the game to make it more aesthetically pleasing, more intricate, or more sensable. Tower to the Skies - First off, let's talk about the basic tower. It's clear why Big...
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    So, there's no decorations in this game, and I think that the casual player base should be acknowledged. As my mother loves putting decorations behind walls. The problem is, there's no decorations in this game to put behind walls. Thus, Big Huge Games is missing out on critical customers. If my...
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    New Trap - Agent.

    The agent is essentially a betrayal on defense. When units come in range of the small radius, a set number are converted to your side and fight for you. The health and dps reductions apply. Have anything you would like to change? Leave a comment here! Stay dominating!
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    Art concerning the castle and alliance gate for Asian nations.

    The art for the alliance gate and castle is geared heavily for western culture. It's just a short trip down to Osaka Castle to see the vast differences between a western castle and a castle around here, or a quick stop at your local google images. I know that there's a lot of work going on at...
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    Barrage - Artillery fire!

    Big Huge XeroMaxx here for another idea post. Barrage, while largely seen as not the most useful spell, seems to undergo little change throughout the ages. Wouldn't it be great if the effect turned into cannon fire in later ages and eventually artillery fire? Post your opinions, and as...
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    New game mode: Invasion and Zombies!

    Blitedog had this great idea about having a mode that is based on your defense. If entertaining enough, this could definitely add to reasons to build up your defense to kill time between upgrades. I don't expect this to be a game mode for a multitude of reasons, but creativity must be expressed...
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    Sound of the war horns as alliance troops deploy.

    I used to think that alliance troops didn't defend the base when you're attacked, but to my surprise a few months back, I was wrong. I wish that there was something to signify they have been deployed. The general deploying effect is fine, so maybe we can something similar. Something other than...