Evidence of Players Abandoning Game


Approved user
May 19, 2016
No, they're mostly new people, Irons, classicals, medievals. You can tell they're new by the questions they ask and how they attack in war.

True God

Approved user
Mar 1, 2017
The ridiculous upgrade times in IA will put many players off for good. Far too much time with nothing going on leads to abandonment.


Approved user
Dec 23, 2016
It's your medal count. I'm a global age level 190 with 2650 medals, with level 11walls and and level 14 gates, so I'm reasonable strong for my age. Yet, as soon as I log of after each play session I get attacked within 5-10 minutes.


Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
exactly..they play a bit and abandon very fast the game..player base is getting older and older


Approved user
Nov 27, 2016
Agreed, I can already tell from my own example how the game is becoming less enjoyable over time and I can see why players are quitting.
Poor balancing (nothing is done to bring some nations from the dead, useless units left and right), pay 2 win, sandbag matches, oil raiding, incredibly long build times, all are taking a toll on my game enjoyment. Honestly as I think a lot of people think the same, if I wasn't in a great alliance I would quit the game.

The only nations worth playing are British, German and French or Korean. As for units you can pretty much call all of the units (except tanks) useless with the introduction of missile silo.

Ive been playing a year and with all the changes, mainly in rewards, and issues I couldn't give two sh@#ts if I log in now. Before I was on for hours at a time. Now it's MAYBE an hour or two a day.

I log in just to collect enough loot to do next upgrade and log off. Call it a psuedo quit I guess.


Approved user
Mar 13, 2016
This is a slightly depressing thread, but I get the purpose. There is certainly something different about the game these days. But it’s not as simple as - how long do people stick with the game (people always quit stuff), it’s deeper than that.

For me, the things I enjoyed about this game were generally linked to: learning something new likel how to take down bases; and the humanistic side of Alliance building. But recently, all the fun seems to be being sucked out of the game. People just don’t seem as engaged as they once were, the ‘banter’ seems to have dried up and it’s sort of, no it is sad.

This begs the question - why aren’t people engaging as much as they once did? I wish I knew the answer. But for me, the game has lost a lot of it’s early charm. Everything seems to be focussed on the ‘big sell’. Events are piling in week after week with a kind of unwritten tag attached that reads...buy more and more Crowns because failure to do so will leave you in the slow lane. Even with the new ‘free’ stuff such a Troop Card rewards, they are so woefully underpowered it’s pointless having them and they therefore get discarded.

The game has evolved...fair enough. But it used to be simple - ‘build a base, raid for loot, use loot to build more’. Whilst these elements are still there, the thing that made progressing in the game fun was centred on offence. Nowadays, it’s disproportionately switched to defence. This has led to players having to buy high powered Troop Cards to earn stars in War and even then it’s tough. Indeed, the free version Troop Cards are simply chucked into Strongholds (very bad); and/or used in match-play.

I seriously wonder if enough emphasis is being applied to game development. Sure we get new buildings occasionally, but nothing has changed in respect of the basic components. Take the playable area. Why am I still looking at a grassy area with no features populating my little fiefdom? Why isn’t more being done to add interest…different base surfaces; weather effects (not just the snow at Christmas); a day/night cycle with bases illuminated by search lights at night etc; new ways of resource gathering that don’t involve shooting animals; making more use of the water; building bridges to open up new parts of the map; etc etc etc. A game like this that once prided itself on looking more spectacular than it’s rivals is stagnant. Breath some life into the look of it and you (BHG) might attract more interest.

Instead of developing the core of the game, everything BHG side of the fence seems to focussed on quick fixes. Take the Leaders. The original ‘gang’ of Leaders offered much promise, but sadly they seemed overly padded with less than brilliant research opportunities. Inevitably this was designed at the time to stop people tearing through the layers too quickly. But then we saw the new ‘Leader-lite’ programmes introduced. A far more interesting proposition, but it has led to a ‘two-tier’ system in the University. It’s not fun chucking 7 workers into one of Leonardo’s lectures on Heavy Tank hitpoints for days on end.

I guess this brings me on to another element of gaming life which isn’t fun and it’s linked to Events and the ‘pay2have’ mentality driving the decisions at BHG/Nexon. How are players supposed to focus on the basics of ‘raid/build/raid’; and be expected to research stuff; AND have the energy to take on Events? It is practically impossible to do all of the above with the number of workers on offer. Workers do nothing in the game except wander around in anachronistic clothing, hammering the bejesus out of stuff for weeks on end. Yes we get the point...good things come to those who wait, but seriously? I suspect build times and the incessant ‘offers’ are switching players off the game. It’s hardly fun. And what the hell is life going to be like in the Cold War Era? As we (humans) have progressed through the years, we’ve developed ways of speeding up processes. Hence, for a game that was premised on it’s links to human development, why does stuff take longer to build in more ‘advanced’ Ages?

Anyway...none of the ‘new way of operating’ is particularly fun for me and I wonder if it’s the same for others too. As others have said, it’s remarkable to see so many top-end Alliances split/merge due to a lack of interest. Top-end players don’t just give up for no good reason. So something has to be wrong.


Approved user
Feb 17, 2017
i share your sentiments, from the start to the end of your article.


Approved user
Jun 21, 2017
Well they are new and on regularly, participating in wars and donating....so pretty good in my eyes. I clear out people that haven't been on for over a week and then we seem to get new people join after that.


Approved user
Sep 18, 2017
And what the hell is life going to be like in the Cold War Era? As we (humans) have progressed through the years, we’ve developed ways of speeding up processes. Hence, for a game that was premised on it’s links to human development, why does stuff take longer to build in more ‘advanced’ Ages?

It's because of those damn unions.


Approved user
Dec 5, 2015
Geegee makes some good points. The way I would characterize the situation is two fold:

1. The communication is not consistent, and CS tends to start by blaming players even for well know and documented issues. Usually they don't really even respond other than a canned response. When you have poor communication, the people fill in the void with negativity.
2. At its core, this is a great strategy game. Unfortunately, the number of the changes- constant events, troop cards etc. make play more like an arcade game. People lose interest in an arcade game quickly, where as a strategy game will keep players engaged long term. Further, recent changes are more significant and frequent than simple nerfs. Whole strategies built up over time now need to be changed. Again, making this game more arcade than strategy. For example, at AA my upgrades are now more driven by discounts, than strategies. Even my upgrade to AA was dictated by the rush event. Changing strategies after completing upgrades that take weeks is frustrating.

So I believe the poor communication combined with the significant and constant remaking of the game have players feeling like their castles are built on quicksand.


Approved user
Sep 18, 2017
I hope they will prevail, but developers should always have in mind there is serious competition in other mobile games, and new strategy games pop-up in our play store every single day... Basically iam playing only strategy games for last 10 years, and i have never seen developers struggling to fix such basic stuff: chat, troop request, replays... , it's not a dealbreaker but it's annoying... don't wanna even start writing about serious issues, could easily fill 5-6 pages.
They simply have to work much harder in future if they want to survive on market.


Approved user
Dec 5, 2015
I should add that our alliance is healthy. Everyone selected each war is active, we periodically pick up a new player or two now and then and there is minimal negativity that you see posted on this blog. We just roll with the changes and keep warring. So there is always time and room for improvement.

Stars God

Approved user
Jul 5, 2016
It's a shame. I have posted in another thread similarly but it's got to the point where unless you play really heavily it's pointless to play at all.

I'm in IA now but the game seems impossible to realistically progress in using casual amounts of time. I imagine only a minority of people who install the game now have the time to spend grinding for resources to progress all the way to AA without it taking them until 2020 or something.

Maybe the above poster is right and the devs themselves don't think the game will be around that long anyway so aren't that bothered.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
I hope we're all wrong about the game nearing it's end. Regardless of all the ''issues'', this is still a great game. Why else would we make so many 'suggestions'? (Complaints :))
But I can also understand all the frustration. When the game goes from being fun-with-challenging-mechanics, which it was in the beginning, to specific-or-necessary-grinding, which it quite often is these days, the fun is nowhere to be seen.
However, I think the game can still be fun if the time investment was more realistic. Ever increasing upgrade times and costs per age might be considered logical by the devs, but us players don't have the same increase in available time in our daily lives. We can only play as much as we always have.
The disconnect between what we can give and what the game wants from us will be the final nail in the coffin for many high level players.
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Approved user
May 12, 2017
Not sure if you watched either of the streams yesterday, they were horrible. If I was watching streams to find new games i would have been like, nope this game looks boring as hell. Not going to waste my time. The streamers they had playing it looked like they were bored, had no idea how to play the game, and struggled to say nice things about it. Mainly how the graphics looked cool and they thought it was cool hunting animals. The 2nd streamer even mentioned CoC and Clash Royale. The 2nd streamer isnt a mobile game player either. Not sure why they had him on there. To me this almost shows they dont really care about the game and are moving on.


Approved user
Sep 18, 2017
After defending this game, I give up. It just crashed on me again, costing me 2 hours of plane retrain time, 6k oil, not to mention other wasted resources. Nexon, your incompetence convinced me to agree with the other players that you are indeed nearing the end of life. You won't fix your bugs, and you won't give us faster airplane train time to compensate for your inability to fix your own bugs. I'm not wasting crowns on your F* ups... no.


Approved user
May 19, 2016
I'm maxed IA (except uni researches and 1 forest).
I'm almost every time sitting on maxed oil and food/gold which is:
-135 000 oil,
-7 500 000 food and gold,
-and of course full caravans, roads, oil wells and farms which are not counted in the game but that's additional resources to attackers,
-storehouse maxed with TGs,
-plus what's left in Command Post.
Whenever someone attack me I try to log in and lose the peace treaty immediately. I simply do this to max my uni researches and farm some crowns before GA (my choice).

From my observation I got attacked in waves. It looks like for few days I got attack after attack (max 5 per day) and then for the next 2-4 days no one is attacking me. I got most attacks during Sunday/Monday.

I don't know if this is because of the:
-low number of players,
-or simply because people don't have time during week,
-or there's some crown limit I can get from successful defenses per day?

My base is rather strong and requires at least full IA army (with tactics, planes, generals, etc.) to grab resources in the middle, but very easy to raid with raiders.
I'm thinking about making my base easier now so I will post my results after that.
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